Deep breathing is a big part of your Well-being, because with that deep breath, there is activa-
tion on a cellular level. In other words, it is the current that carries the vitality to the extremities of
the cells. And so, the more you are breathing, the more you are thriving.
Some say it is the way the Spirit moves. We would say it is the way life moves most efficiently
through your physical body. And, fortunately, it is something that is not left to your conscious mind.
You donít have to prompt yourself to breathe. It happens. But, you can prompt yourself to breathe
We encourage that you deliberately take some air in. And then before you let it out, take some
more air in. And before you let it out....And you say, ìI canít take any more in, because thereís no
place for it to go.î And we say, yes there is, take some more in.
Expand your capacity. Your lungs, like balloons, can be all shriveled up, or expanded fully. As
you move on a regular basis, they expand somewhat, but they donít expand fully. As you deliberately
breathe deeper, it becomes more natural for them to get fulleróand before you know it, it will be an
involuntary thing. You will naturally breathe more deeply.
.....and you bodies will thrive. Itís even more important than drinking water. Itís right up there
with life itself.
When concentrating on your breathing, you are not concentrating on other things. And in that
absence of resistance, you are also allowing an alignment of Energy. So you get a double whammy
with it: Youíre aligning with Source Energy. You are literally feeding the cells of your body, allowing
oxygen to reach the extremities of your cells. Everybody comes aliveóand everything works better.
Metabolism works better, elimination works better, clarity works better, blood flows better. Thriving
comes from this.
Excerpted from Abe workshop....11/25/
ps...This ìValue of Conscious Breathingî is on the last page of ìSara, Book 3î