(nextflipdebug5) #1

Iím printing these pages and putting them into a ring binder with lots of extra paper for lists and
notes and doodles and scribbles added.

The structure of each day is as follows:

Morning Ritual:
As you wake up you should read the quote for the day and ponder how this applies to you
while you do your first things - bathroom, breakfast etc. As you ponder the quote ask yourself ìWhat
does this mean about me?î


Smile for one Minute - this increases the seratonin levels in your ssystem and is a powerful
Meditate for 5 Minutes- various techniques will be offered
For Health: In awareness of your breathing in and breathing out count off 60 breaths.
For Wealth: Repeat for five minutes: ìThe sun is shining and the grass is green.î or something
For Love: Pet a cat or listen to your favourite music - be aware of all sensations while you do

Do the Placemat Exercise for 5 minutes in the space provided
Do Segment Intending for 4 minutes, 4 segments will be provided. You can intend different
segments each day.
Remember your daily prosperity virtual spendning amount. This amount is based on the
Prosperity Game and will increase by 1000 units of your currency each day for your to virtually
spend each day.


During the Day:
According to the theme of the day implement the tools and techniques
1) Become aware of your vibrational meter
2) Doodle Dreams for your Creation Box
3) Do Virtual Realities - 30 seconds scenes of joy
4) Spend your daily virtual prosperity allowance

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