CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 6. Polygons and Quadrilaterals


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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter6ParallelogramClassificationB

Concept Problem Revisited

In order for the patio to be a rectangle, first the opposite sides must be congruent. So, two sides are 21ft and two are
28 ft. To ensure that the parallelogram is a rectangle without

d^2 = 212 + 282 = 441 + 784 = 1225

1225 = 35 f t


Aparallelogramis a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.

A quadrilateral is arectangleif and only if it has four right (congruent) angles:

A quadrilateral is arhombusif and only if it has four congruent sides:

A quadrilateral is asquareif and only if it has four right angles and four congruent sides.

Guided Practice

  1. Is a rectangle SOMETIMES, ALWAYS, or NEVER a parallelogram? Explain why.

  2. Is a rhombus SOMETIMES, ALWAYS, or NEVER equiangular? Explain why.

  3. Is a quadrilateral SOMETIMES, ALWAYS, or NEVER a pentagon? Explain why.


  1. A rectangle has two sets of parallel sides, so it is ALWAYS a parallelogram.

  2. Any quadrilateral, including a rhombus, is only equiangular if all its angles are 90◦. This means a rhombus is
    SOMETIMES equiangular, only when it is a square.

  3. A quadrilateral has four sides, so it will NEVER be a pentagon with five sides.


1.RACEis a rectangle. Find:
e.m^6 RAC
2.DIAMis a rhombus. Find:
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