The Psychology of Eating: From Healthy to Disordered Behavior
Treating Eating Disorders 265 particularly, the therapist will encourage a change in these relationships and suggest that the pa ...
266 Treating Eating Disorders et al., 1997). A further study showed that family therapy was more effective than individual thera ...
Treating Eating Disorders 267 At times family therapy requires the patient to challenge existing ways of relating to and suppor ...
268 Treating Eating Disorders Lowered blood sugars Cardiac irregularities Muscle weakness Impaired blood clotting Risk of suici ...
Treating Eating Disorders 269 behavior change (see figure 11.2). Using a stages of change approach involves the nurse eliciting ...
270 Treating Eating Disorders of 1–2 kg per week is usually the aim, which results in an average admission period of between 12 ...
Treating Eating Disorders 271 others pursue the less coercive process of assisted feeding, which involves spoon-feeding a patien ...
272 Treating Eating Disorders treatment would seem to be effective in terms of weight gain and mortal- ity. However, Crisp et al ...
Treating Eating Disorders 273 Problems with inpatient treatment for eating disorders The problems with inpatient regimens for ea ...
274 Treating Eating Disorders psychoanalytic psychotherapy. This focuses on the role of childhood relationships and the function ...
Treating Eating Disorders 275 Towards an integrated model of diet Choosing healthy food is a complicated process due to the soci ...
12 An Integrated Model of Diet Most areas of diet-related research are studied by different researchers, published in different ...
An Integrated Model of Diet 277 physical morbidity. In line with this, weight concern is more problematic than healthy eating bu ...
278 An Integrated Model of Diet intentions which in turn predict behavior. Important beliefs include behavioral control, subject ...
An Integrated Model of Diet 279 Obesity is another eating-related problem which does have clinically significant consequences, a ...
280 An Integrated Model of Diet Control The theme of control permeates much of the literature on diet. At times attempted contro ...
An Integrated Model of Diet 281 Not eating and thinness can be used to express problems within the family. The symptoms of eati ...
282 An Integrated Model of Diet Food results in a conflict between eating food and denying food as a means to remain thin. Food ...
An Integrated Model of Diet 283 Social norms Eating behavior takes place within a social context which offers a strong basis for ...
284 An Integrated Model of Diet Food is central to survival. A healthy diet consisting of the correct balance between the five ...
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