FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Domestic Tampering

about him: “King helps to advance Communism. He is surrounded
with Communists. This is the major reason I severed my relationship
with him during the fifties. He is soft on Communism.” Karl Prussion,
an FBI agent who infiltrated the Communist Party, and for five years
attended meetings in California, testified in 1963: “I further swear and
attest that at each and everyone of the aforementioned meetings, one
Reverend Martin Luther King was always set forth as the individual to
whom Communists should look and rally around in the Communist
struggle on many racial issues.” Julia Brown, a former Communist,
said: “We were told to promote Martin Luther King to unite Negroes
and also Whites behind him ... He was taking directions from
Communists. I know for a fact the Communists would never have
promoted him, financed him, and supported him if they couldn’t trust
him. I am certain as I can be that he knew what he was doing.”

Although a 1977 court order sealed the FBI’s extensive surveillance
records on King in the National Archives for 50 years, a book by Sen.
Jesse Helms in 1998 called The King Holiday and Its Meaning said that
Charles D. Brennan, an Assistant Director of the FBI who was
personally involved in the surveillance, characterized his activities as
“orgiastic and adulterous escapades,” in which he could be “bestial in
his sexual abuse of women.” He also observed that “King frequently
drank to excess.” The 1981 book by David Garrow, called The FBI and
Martin Luther King, Jr. told of King’s liaisons with prostitutes and the
misappropriation of Southern Christian Leadership Conference funds.
The FBI investigation had led J. Edgar Hoover to say that “King is a
tom cat with obsessive degenerate sexual urges,” and President
Lyndon Johnson to call him a “hypocrite preacher.”

The oldest Jewish service organization, known as the B’nai B’rith
(which means ‘Son of the Covenant’), was a secret Masonic order
founded by twelve wealthy American Jews in New York in 1843. In
1913, Schiff, along with Chicago author and attorney Sigmund
Livingston, reorganized the group, and established the Anti-
Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith (ADL) to fight anti-Semetism and
religious prejudice. They have been used as an instrument to convince
people that an attack on the Rothschilds and the Illuminati is a direct
attack on the Jewish people. They are the most powerful Jewish
organization in the world, with chapters in 44 countries. In the United
States, they have over 2,000 agencies, about 25 regional offices, and a
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