FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Domestic Tampering

agents and disloyal agitators who have been convicted under the
wartime laws or the syndicalist laws of different States for unpatriotic
or revolutionary activities.”

A January, 1931 report by the Special House Committee to Investigate
Communist Activities in the United States, said: “The American Civil
Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the Communist movement in
the United States ... it is quite apparent that the main function of the
ACLU is to attempt to protect Communists in their advocacy of force
and violence to overthrow the government...” The California Fact-
Finding Committee on Un-American Activities reported in 1943: “The
American Civil Liberties Union may be definitely classed as a
Communist front...” Dr. J. B. Matthews, Chief Investigator for the
House Special Committee on Un-American Activities, said in January,
1955: “In 37 years of history of the Communist movement in the United
States, the Communist Party has never been able to do as much for
itself as the American Civil Liberties Union has done for it.”

The ACLU is made up of about 200,000 members, with an army of 3,000
unpaid volunteer attorneys, and chapters in 47 states. They are a
finger organization of the Illuminati, and are most noted for their cases
involving the separation of church and state. They have defended the
rights of Jehovah Witnesses to refrain from saluting the flag, and to
protect the rights of the Nazis and KKK to organize and speak freely.
They have become the most powerful weapon against the Church, and
Christian tradition, in this country.


Another contributing factor to Wilson’s election to the Presidency, and
how the Illuminati controls the American electorate today, is
accomplished through a process known as the Electoral College.

Because delegates to the Constitutional Convention, which met in
Philadelphia in 1787, thought that the general public lacked the insight
and the judgment necessary to elect a President, and could be easily
misled by irresponsible candidates, they enacted the Electoral College
to do the job.
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