FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Council on Foreign Relations

as a counterweight to the Marines, if Nixon– in a crisis– chose to
subvert the Constitution. The notion that Nixon could at any time
resort to extraordinary steps to preserve his presidency was far
more widespread in the government than the public perceived...”

He felt it would be led by General Robert Cushman, the Marine
Representative on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who had been loyal to
Nixon ever since he had been his military aide while he was the Vice
President under Eisenhower. Schlesinger, in July, 1974, believing the
Washington contingent of Marines to be the probable force used in a
coup attempt, began developing a strategy to bring in the Army’s 82nd
Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

On August 2, 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger admitted that
General Haig had informed him that Nixon was considering the idea of
surrounding the White House with troops. In an August 27, 1974.
article in the Washington Post, called “Military Coup Fears Denied,”
the fact was revealed that: “Defense Secretary James Schlesinger
requested a tight watch in the military chain of command to ensure
that no extraordinary orders went out from the White House during the
period of uncertainty (and) that no commanders of any forces should
carry out orders which came from the White House, or elsewhere,
outside the normal military channels.”

Tantamount to a military coup, and contrary to the Constitution, the
Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a secret communiqué to all Commanders of
the U.S. military forces around the world: “Upon receipt of this
message you will no longer carry out any orders from the White
House. Acknowledge receipt.”

Rather than a plot by the Illuminati to militarily take over the
government, it seemed to be more of an attempt by Nixon to keep from
getting pushed out of office by the powers that actually run this
country. In the end, he knew what kind of power he was dealing with,
and resigned his office on August 9th, rather than risk what remaining
credibility he had, by trying to grab what he could not hold. His
resignation also prevented an impeachment trial, which may have
allowed secret information to come to light.
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