FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

The members of the Grand Lodge of England brought their fraternity to
America. In 1730, Daniel Core was appointed Provincial Grand Master
of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, after the first lodge was
established in Philadelphia. A lodge was established in Boston in 1733.
By the time of the American Revolution, there were 100 Masonic
lodges. The Masons were firmly entrenched in the eastern colonies,
but since 95% of the population identified themselves as Christians,
they had to modify their philosophies to include Christian teachings.
The Grand Lodge of the United States was established in 1777, which
officially cut all ties to their British counterparts.

One writer summed up Masonry this way: “Freemasonry has
incorporated bits of other systems in its initiations and higher degrees,
such as mystery schools, Mithraism, the Egyptian priesthood, the
system of the Pythagoreans, Essenes, Cabalists, Druids, the Orders of
the Knighthood, Rosicrucians, Arabic secret societies, and the Knights

Masonry slowly spread throughout the world: France (1718-25), Ireland
(1725-26), Spain (1726-27), Holland (1731), Germany (1730-33), Africa
(1735), Scotland (1736), Portugal (1736), Switzerland (1737), Italy (1733-
37), Russia (1731-40), Canada (1745), Sweden (1735-48), Prussia (1738-
40), Austria (1742), Poland (1784), and Mexico (1825).

Originally against the Masonic Order, Benjamin Franklin became a
Mason in 1731, at the age of 25. He became the Provincial Grand
Master of Pennsylvania in 1734, and was the “appointed spokesman”
of the secret societies. As ambassador to France, he was honored
there at a major Masonic lodge. It is believed that while he was on a
diplomatic trip to Paris to seek financing for the Revolution, he was
initiated as a member of the Illuminati. George Washington joined the
Fredericksburg Lodge #4 in Virginia, in 1752, and when he was elected
President in 1789, he was the Grand Master of the Lodge (the highest
official). He took his Oath of Office on a Masonic Bible, as did his Vice-
President, John Adams, who was also a Mason. This Masonic Bible
from the altar of St. Johns Lodge No. 1 in New York City, which was
printed in London in 1767, was later used for other Oaths administered
to Harding, Eisenhower, Carter, Reagan and Bush. This Masonic Bible
has an introductory section that explains that Masonry is not a
Christian fraternity, but in fact supports all religions. Eight of the
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