FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

people in influential positions have come from their ranks, it certainly
is reason enough to take note. But more than that, when you see their
membership cross over into other organizations such as the
Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral
Commission; then you begin to see it as a possible breeding ground
for people who are favorable to the international agenda that is leading
to one-world government.


The Skull and Bones organization was founded at Yale University in
1832 by General William Huntington Russell (who later served in the
Connecticut State legislature 1846-47) and Alphonso Taft (U.S.
Secretary of War in 1876, Attorney General 1886-87, U.S. Minister to
Austria 1882-84, U.S. Ambassador to Russia 1884-85, and the father of
former president William Howard Taft); and incorporated in 1856 by
Russell and Daniel Colt Gilman, under the name ‘The Russell Trust
Association.’ Russell had visited Germany that year, where he was
exposed to the Illuminati, and possibly initiated. He wanted to
establish a similar group in America, where their sons could become
members of a secret Order that would give them a favored status.

It became a black lodge of Freemasonry. In 1873, some Yale students
broke into their headquarters, a windowless building called ‘The Tomb’
adjacent to the campus, where they discovered their insignia– the skull
and bones, along with some real skulls and bones. They wrote in the
Yale newspaper, the Iconoclast: “Year-by-year the deadly evil of the
Skull and Bones is growing.”

The Russell Trust is endowed by $54 million in alumni grants, and it is
the alumni who control the group. Antony C. Sutton, a former
Economics professor at Stanford University, wrote a four-volume
series of books on the group, and revealed the names of 30 influential
old-line American families who have contributed to its ranks (some of
which can trace their lineage back to the 1600’s, when they arrived
from England), including Whitney, Lord, Phelps, Wadsworth, Allen,
Bundy, Adams, Harriman, Rockefeller, Payne, Davison, and Pratt.
Every year, 15 juniors are chosen to be members, and are called
‘Knights.’ Upon graduation, they are called the ‘Patriarchs of the Order.’
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