FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

early history of the Illuminati was nothing more than a seed that was
planted. That is why there was a big emphasis on infiltrating
educational institutions with their doctrine. As each class graduated
through the educational systems of the world, the more people there
were to perpetuate their plans. In time, the Illuminati knew they would
have enough of the right people, in the right places, for them to
secretly further their goals.


In 1802, Europe was made up of several hundred states, which were
dominated by England, Austria, Russia, Prussia and France, which
was the most powerful country. In 1804, when Napoleon Bonaparte
took over France, his military exploits had led to the complete control
of virtually all of Europe. Even today, France has more land than any
other country in western Europe. In 1812, when Napoleon moved
against Russia; England, Spain and Portugal were already at war with
France. They were later joined by Sweden, Austria; and in 1813,
Prussia joined the coalition to end the siege of Europe, and to “assure
its future peace by the re-establishment of a just equilibrium of the
powers.” In 1814, the coalition defeated France, and in March of that
year, marched into Paris. France’s borders were returned to their
original 1792 location, which had been established by the First Peace
of Paris, and Napoleon was exiled to Elba, a small island off the
Tucson coast of Italy.

After the Napoleonic Wars, the Illuminati thought the world would be
tired of fighting, and would accept any solution to have peace.
Through the Congress of Vienna (1814-15), the Rothschilds hoped to
create a sort of League of Nations.

From September, 1814 to June, 1815, the four powers of the allied
coalition, winners of the Napoleonic Wars, met at the Congress of
Vienna, along with a large number of rulers and officials representing
smaller states. It was the biggest political meeting in European history.
Representing England, was Lord Robert Stewart, the 2nd Viscount
Castlereagh; France, with Foreign Minister Charles-Maurice Talleyrand
de Perigord; Prussia, with King Friedrich Wilhelm III; and Austria, with
Emperor Franz II.
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