Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

all. In Copenhagen lecture I spoke about your work and pleased the
sex-econ folks there. But on the orgone question I got nothing def­
inite. A doctor whose name I didn't catch in C. said that it was all
phantasy on your part, but as he had never seen nor tried anything
orgonish his criticism meant nothing. Leunbachs say they can't get any
effects from their Accum, but as it is lined with thin foil I guess it isn't
right. Ena and I are back to ours. The small one came yesterday. So
far I have only the skin tingling to report. One woman on the staff has
anaemia badly and asks if it will help her. I said we'd try.
Was puzzled when a cable came to me in Stockholm asking me to
be head of Hamilton School. Couldn't make out if it were a genuine
offer, but replied with a no. I can't leave my 70 kids here to start in a
new land under a Committee, nay, not for 5 million dollars per annum.
But it was most pleasing to have the offer.
I begin to be sure that I won't get a passage over this year. Nor with
a losing income can I bring Ena and Zoe over. I have a neurotic fear
of flying, and Ena would be scared if I flew over the Atlantic. Indeed
I have more fears than I should have ... z.B. [for instance] the customs
people, yet once I am in front of them all fear goes even if I have things
I shouldn't have. Partly a fear of being afraid. A neurosis, Reich, but
thank heaven it isn't the type of neurosis that makes me incapable of
work and happiness and a good sex life.

Rangeley , Maine

My dear Neill:

  • I •

May 14, 1947

I received your letter of May 6th yesterday. In the meantime,
I assume, Ilse arrived and has already told you most of the things about
our lives that may interest you. I also hope that she will persuade you to
do the utmost to get a passage this year and not next year. Matters of
utmost importance should be discussed and I know no one in Europe
who could listen better and understand better what is at stake at the
present time in the development of our work. There is especially one
first-rank point, which has to be cleared up. For 15 years now my work
has had nothing whatsoever to do with psychoanalysis and its different
variations. For 15 years now a new branch of natural science and not
psychology is in full development. 15 years ago the psychoanalysts
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