Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
largely the state of the world that gets me down. [Oswald] Mosley and
his fascism is again to the fore here, and I think Britain will soon be
in two camps, fascism vs. communism, with the right-wing labour join­
ing fascism. I fear c-ism is walking through Europe and when you say
in your letter that it is up to men like you and me to stop it, I ask how
can we? Who will listen to us?
My book can't appear for a year owing to shortage of paper, and
that depresses me, for by that time what I write now will be out of date
at least to me.
The editor of the Times Educational Supplement has written a book
about how to be a teacher. He calls me a genius on a pinnacle that
other teachers can't reach, which isn't very true, but nice to hear from
one of the conventional leaders of education.
Haven't any more to say tonight. Life is very full, but I have at last
got a maths teacher and after this term won't have to teach maths 5
hours a day. I'll get back to dealing with the individual kids.
Zoe flourishes, walks about everywhere and is no trouble at all, a
fine example of self-reg'n. I wonder how my friend Peter progresses. So
far I have no desire to have my hut outside the school. Tonight I have
played games in the lounge with the small ones, played like a kid my­
self. How is the G-M counter doing now?

  • I •

Forest Hills, New York
December I, 1947
My dear Neill:
This is only a short letter. We are engulfed in work. to save
the work from the emotional pest. The Food and Drug Administration
is investigating the accumulator on the suspicion of a vice ring. * We are
taking action against this. Just like a cow can say nothing but moo, so
a state official who deals mostly with swindle drugs against sexual ail­
ments, cannot go beyond his pornographic mind.
It will be necessary to publish the Little Man. Would you kindly in­
form me whether you will be able to make the translation as you

* This is the first mention of the FDA harassment, brought on by the Brady
articles, which lasted for the rest of Reich's life.
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