I am sending you by separate mail the invitation you want for your
visa application. But this invitation is going out for an important con
ference, and not for a lecture. May I ask you, if you are interrogated by
the press on your arrival, not to forget to mention the Orgone Institute,
as happened last year. I know you don't mind my saying this. The
omission of the Orgone Institute from the press conferences has puzzled
many people, including me. I would rather be frank about it.
The conference at Orgonon is meant factually, and not merely
formally. There are great responsibilities and difficult questions in
volved. Most probably, Hoppe from Palestine will be there too, and so
will a few medical orgone therapists from the U.S.A.
We have beaten off so far the attack of the Emotional Plague, but
we are not sure whether it will continue or not. The work is in a very
critical and promising development right now. With the exception of a
few impertinent psychoanalytic business men who feel threatened by my
theory of orgastic potency in their commerce with human misery, and,
therefore, fight it, the public has become aware of this problem to a great
extent. Here Kinsey's book, * which was sold in 600,000 copies and
deals with the orgastic function in the human male, has helped quite a
bit to break through the Chinese wall which had been erected and is
being kept up by psychoanalytic merchants and red fascist politicians
in unison.
What you write about Zoe only proves the correctness of my state
ments during the past 30 years. This is the only hope left to us, and it
is wonderful to have something so important to fight for. Including, and
not excluding, the core of the matter, that is, the sexual development
of the child and adolescent.
Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk
My dear Reich,
- ••
March 30, 1948
Both letters from you today. Thanks for the official invitation.
And we want to come very much, for we are depressed. We fear that
atomic war may be very near ... Tito has only to march into Trieste
* Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, by Alfred C. Kinsey and others (Phila
delphia: W. B. Saunders, 1948 ).