Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1


Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

Dear Constance, *

[ 1936-1939 ]

October 4, 1937

I am coming to Oslo probably about the New Year. Ask R. if
he can find time to give me a few talks at of course paying rate. Elsat
asks me to be her guest but I am telling her I want to be entirely on my
own, with no feeling of duty or responsibility to anyone except myself.
I'll be able to have a fortnight in Oslo and will bring my ski boots in
case there is a chance of a few falls. R. 's latest book is fascinating, but
so difficult for me to read that I want to get it in English from him.
Mrs Linst is also fascinated with R. 's book; she wanted to come too
but I said I must get away alone to get some perspective. She has gone
stale also, and we carry on with too much effort. Both get so dis­
couraged by setbacks. Uphill work pioneering.

P.S. Arrange with R. I'm not writing him because he has as little time
for letters as I have.

  • I •

Oslo, Norway
November 9, 1937
My dear Neill,
Constance gave me your letter which you wrote to her. I
shall reserve one hour§ for you after Christmas. Of course it cannot
be guaranteed that I shall accomplish much in this short time. Neither
is it sure that my permission [to remain] in Norway will be prolonged.
But I hope we shall find the opportunity to discuss through a few of
your difficulties entirely. I believe I know where they are rooted : in the
contradiction between the tremendous pioneer needs and the complete

* Constance Tracey.
t Elsa (also Else) Lindenberg. Although never legally, she was effectively
Reich's second wife. They had met in Berlin, where she was a dancer with the
Berlin State Opera. When he moved to Copenhagen in 19 33, she joined him; they
lived together until Reich left Norway in the summer of 1939.
* Neill's first wife, an Australian, born Lilly Lindesay-whence the nickname
"Mrs. Lins," by which she was generally known.
§ That is, one hour each day. During his two-week stay in Oslo, Neill probably
had ten or twelve psychiatric sessions with Reich.
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