Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
[ 1936-1939 ] 4

I hope you are doing well. You will get my new book Sexualitiit im
Kulturkamp/* very soon. Best greetings.

  • I •

Oslo, Norway
December 17, 1936
My dear Neill!
I did not write you so long, that I have to apologise. I had to
go through a lot of very hard accomplishments personally and in my
work. There happened a very lucky turn in my investigations: I suc­
ceeded to compose microscopic thingst which behave just like proto­
zoa. It was demonstrated the last week in Copenhagen in the Rocke­
feller-Institut and Albert Fischer the biologist, took it first with fun,
but then when I made the experiment before his eyes, he became rather
serious. I have to do now a lot about it, to prove it to the most compulsion­
neurotic scientists.
It will interest you to hear that Mrs. Tracey has made a big step
forward: She succeeds really to solve her tremendous muscular tensions
especially in her face. I think she will write you herself.
Please let me know if you are doing well and how you are getting
along with your fine work.
You will get soon a reprint about the first part of my latest experi­
mental work. Please send me reprints if you got some new ones.
With my kindest greetings.

. I.

  • Die Sexualitiit im Kulturkamp/, 1936 (The Serual Revolution, 1945; in a new
    translation, 1974 ). Reich's critique of prevailing socio-sexual conditions, based
    on his studies of sexology and on his experience as a physician working in the
    free mental-health clinics he had founded in Vienna and Berlin.
    t Reich later came to call these vesicular forms "bions."

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