Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

and small children at Orgonon, where plenty of space is available and
where the population is friendly, grew by leaps and bounds. Two months
ago, this idea came closer to realization with the establishment of an
Orgonomic Infant Research Center. Its task is mainly to study healthy
children and the prevention of armoring from birth onward. I chose
about 40 persons, gathered them into a work group and began with
demonstrating beginning biopathology in fairly healthy small children.
Now the plan slowly emerged, to build a children's home with a small
hospital attached to it at Orgonon, instead of the planned Orgone
Energy Research Hospital which would require some $300,0 00 which
at present are not easily available. What has all this to do with you?
You remember that I urged you to come to the U.S., in order to
escape the ravaging effects of the welfare state. We believe that burdening
the working population with responsibility, and not state welfare, is the
future development of society. To this end, the safeguarding of the
natural self-regulatory principles in newborn babies is of paramount
importance. Now, of all people, you and Ena of course would be the
choice to be entrusted with the directorship of such a children's home
which would be devoted to the natural scientific, orderly study of the
natural principles of self-regulation from birth onward.
My question now is this: Would you and Ena be willing and feel ready
to take over the directorship of a children's home at Orgonon, Maine?
We could pick the appropriate staff from among the many dozens of
well-trained and restructuralized nursery school teachers, nurses and
educators. These

people know you and like you. We do not have to
solve all the details and problems now. We can choose to go ahead
when this plan will have matured into a proposition actually capable of
realization, say in a year or two.
It would of course be best if you could carry out your original plan
to come over this summer with Ena and Zoe, to talk over this plan, to
look over the sites personally. There is nothing binding in it yet on
either part. It is important to stress the point that the plan was not
conceived in order to help you, but was considered independently of
your situation.
Please, let me know as soon as possible how you feel about it in
My love to all of you.

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