Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk
My dear Reich,
[ 1950 ]
April 27, 1950
Above copy of my reply to Katz· adds to my conviction that
U.S.A. is no place for me. It doesn't want me.
I get more and more pessimistic about coming over this August.
Earning our passages is essential, and there isn't a sign that I can earn
a dollar. If there is no sign of lectures or seminars by the end of May I'll
have to cancel our passage. If I try to cancel them later I may have to
forfeit the passage money.
Eastmond's Biotechnic Press is bankrupt, owing a lot of money. I
can't get an answer to my letters from him and therefore have resigned
my directorship.
I hear that Barakan is working full time with patients. I've written
him telling him he is dishonest not to pay me back my money. Snag is
I am not sure of the amount now.
Rangeley, Maine
My dear Neill:
- I •
May 10 , 19 50
I received your letter with the copy of your correspondence
with Mr. Katz yesterday. I agree with you fully, but I disagree very
sharply with your statement that the U.S.A. is no place for you, because
there are such intellectuals in the U.S.A. Mr. Katz is not the U.S.A.
They are psychoanalytically spellbound intellectuals who enjoy words
more than depth. Briefly, they are hopeless.
I insist that you come over without having to lecture. Would you
kindly let me know by return mail what the expenses for the passage are.
You won't need any money here at Orgonon, but you will need a good
rest together with Ena and Zoe, and we need you at the conference.
- Sander Katz, editor of Complex, an American journal of "psychoanalysis and
society," had asked Neill to write an article, which he then rejected on the
grounds that "it was not up to the level of our readers." To this, Neill responded
bitingly, writing among other things: "To me the journal is in the past tense," and
"Reich has killed psychoanalysis ... the new era is a biopsychological one,"