Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1

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Chapter 9 examines four topics:


Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis

·Payback period
·Sensitivity and breakeven analysis

Future worth analysis is very much like present worth analysis, dealing withthen(future
worth) rather than withnow(present worth) situations.
Previously,we have written economic analysis relationships based on either:

PW of cost=PW of benefit or EUAC=EUAB

Instead of writing it in this form, we could define these relationships as

PW of benefit

Cost of Capital Concept



When economic analysis is based on these ratios, the calculations are called benefit-cost
ratio analysis.
Payback period is an approximate analysis technique, generally defined as the time
required for cumulative benefits to equal cumulative costs. Sensitivity describes the relative
magnitude of a particular variation in one or more elements of a problem that is sufficient
to change a particular decision. Closely related is breakeven analysis, which determines
the conditions where two alternatives are equivalent.Thus, breakeven analysis is a form of
sensitivity analysis.


Wehaveseenhow economic analysistechniquesresolved alternativesinto comparableunits.
In present worth analysis, the comparison was made in terms of the present consequences
of taking the feasible courses of action. In annual cash flow analysis, the comparison was
in terms of equivalent uniform annual costs (or benefits). We saw that we could easily
convert from present worth to annual cash flow,and vice versa. But the concept of resolving
alternatives into comparable units is not restricted to a present or annual comparison. The
comparison may be made at any point in time. In many situations we would like to know
what thefuturesituation will be, if we take some particular course of actionnow.This is
calledfuture worthanalysis.

Ron Jamison, a 20-year-old college student, consumes about a carton of cigarettes a week. He
wonders how much money h~ could accumulate by age 65 if he quit smoking now and put his
cigarett~money into~asavings account. Cig"aretiescost $35 per carton. Ron expects:that a savings
account would earn 5% interest, compounded semiannually. Compute Ron's future worth at
age 65.;,."..'::1: -.
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