Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1

The total cost of remodeling the available factory ($1,600,000) is smaller than the total cost of a
new plant ($1,685,000). The timing of the expenditures, however, is less favorable than building
the new plant. The new plant is projected to have the smaller future worth of cost and thus is the
preferred altefl1ative..

The Benefit-Cost Ratio

At a given minimum attractive rate of return (MARR), we would consider an alternative
acceptable, provided

PW of benefits - PW of costs ~ 0 or EUAB - EUAC 2: 0

These could also be stated as a ratio of benefits to costs, or


B PW of benefit_EUAB > 1
Benefit-cost ratio C= PW of costs - EUAC -

, '

Rather than using present worth or annual cash flow analysis to solve problems, we can
base the calculations on the benefit-cost ratio, BIe. The criteria are presented in Table9-1.
We will illustrate"B/Canalysis" by solving the same example problems worked by other
economic analysis methods. ' ' ,

, , TABLE 9-1 Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis

Situation Criterion

Fixed input Amount of money or other
input resources are fixed
Fixed task, benefit, or
other output to be

External Sources of Money

or other inputs nor
amount of benefits or
other outputs are fixed

Fixed output

Neither input
nor output

Maximize BIC

Maximize BIC

Two alternatives: Compute
incremental benefit-cost ratio
(~BI ilC) on the increment
of investment between the
alternatives. IfilBIilC ::::1,
choose higher-cost alternative;
otherwise, choose lower~cost
alternative. ,
Three or more alternatives:
Solve by benefit-cost ratio
incremental analysis
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