Macro Photography

(Steven Felgate) #1

Talking about protection from the sun, don’t forget your sunglasses and sunscreen. We give up a
lot for our “art” but there’s no reason to get cancer.

First Aid

Consider this...

It is unlikely that you are going to get out of your car and see the ideal subject just sitting there
by the side of the road. Most of your best shots are going to be stashed away in some pretty hard
to get to places.

Often, you will be setting up your camera to get a shot of something hidden away in the middle
of a bunch of thorns or other prickly obstacles. Rose bushes, cacti...whatever.

To get into position for the shot - while avoiding getting attacked by the thorns - you are
frequently going to find yourself contorted into some pretty odd and precarious positions. Try as
you will – you ARE going to get scratched.

Who knew that shooting a picture of a bug would be such a physical undertaking!

You should have a first aid kit handy. If nothing else, some sort of disinfectant and band aids are
a given.

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