Introduction to The Hebraic biography of Y'shua
YHWH has many names Below are some of the many names and titles of YHWH the Father and Y‘shua HaMashiach and the meanings of the ...
―(5) There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias (Zachar'yah), of the course of Abia (A ...
The Second Lot was for slaughtering the lamb, sprinkling the blood, removing the ashes, and trimming the lamps of the menorah (s ...
From the time of the nomadic ancestors, the vine was the symbol of the settled life and a culture removed from the ancient simpl ...
(36) And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who ...
called the Son of God‖. Gabriel gave the explanation that Y‘shua would not have a natural father. He would be supernaturally con ...
traveled to Judah ±113 km south as the crow flies. YHWH allocated the area in and around Jerusalem to the tribe of Judah. This i ...
(60) And his mother answered and said, Not so; but he shall be called John. (61) And they said unto her, There is none of thy ki ...
Since the time of Abraham, Jews have observed the ritual of circumcision as the fundamental sign of the covenant between YHWH an ...
on the chair of Elijah, and the Mohel recites a special prayer asking for the spirit of Elijah to stand over him as he performs ...
tradition, you still do this to a degree, except it must always be a dead relative. However, neither Elizabeth‘s side of the fam ...
wilderness of Judea. He spends most of his life there. But, this does one thing for Yochanan: it separates him from the man-made ...
―(22) Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, (23) Behold, a virg ...
year 8 B.C., and that they can draw some conclusion in that the birth of Y‘shua had to take place somewhere between 8 and 4 B.C. ...
mishmar (a course or division), and named after the head of that particular family. Each course served for one week in the first ...
Month Number Babylonian Calendar Chronology of events Christian / Gregorian calendar equivalent 1 Aviv (Nisan) April, May 2 Iyya ...
Month Number Babylonian Calendar Chronology of events Christian Gregorian calendar equivalent 7 Tishri September, October 8 Ches ...
actually sleep in the door to protect his animals in the fold. That is why Y‘shua said he is the ―door‖. My opinion is that it w ...
custom then (as now) to withdraw the flocks, starting during the month Marchesven (October -November), from the open districts a ...
here means ―burial clothes‖. They are not normal baby clothes. Probably they had to make do with what they could on such short n ...
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