Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
Eat to Live 199

gar, and Spicy Pecan Vinegar that have only five calories per table-

spoon and are delicious used alone on a salad. Ordering information

on such helpful products can be obtained from my website. Other

low-calorie commercial dressings are listed at the end of the "Salads,

Dressings, and Dips" section.

Since you are giving up lots of unhealthy foods, treat yourself to

those delicious and exotic fruits. This diet permits lots of fresh fruit,

since eating fruit is a necessity for optimal health and long life. Per-

simmons, for example, are a wonderful treat. You must let them

ripen until every part, including the bottom rim, is mushy soft before

it will be a great-tasting treat. Cherimoyas are another delicious fruit,

though quite expensive. Try different varieties of mangoes, as they

have different flavors, and don't forget fresh figs.

7 Days of Vegetarian Meal Plans

(For Aggressive Weight Loss)

  • = Recipes follow

Day One


Strawberries (fresh or frozen)


Apple Pie Salad*
Whole-wheat pita pocket stuffed with Tasty Hummus Spread*
or Grandma Tillie's Eggplant Dip*
Lettuce and tomatoes
1 or 2 fresh fruits


Salad with lemon and shredded pear
Steamed Swiss chard and zucchini cooked with onions, mush-
rooms, and stewed tomatoes
Acorn Squash Supreme*
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