Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

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Eat to Live 227

Vitamin D, often called the sunshine vitamin, is another com-
mon deficiency I find when I check the blood levels of my patients.
Most of us work indoors and avoid the sun or wear sunscreen, which
lowers our vitamin D exposure. Some of us don't absorb it as well
and just require more. So, given all the data that is available today

and my personal experience with patients, I advise most people to

consume an appropriate multi.

My observations suggest that vegetarians would be foolish not to
play it safe, either by taking a B 12 supplement or a multi or by con-
suming foods that have been fortified with vitamin B 12. Another op-
tion for those who loathe taking vitamins is to have their blood
checked periodically. Checking your B 12 level alone is not sufficient.
Methylmalonic acid (MMA) must be checked to accurately gauge if
the level of B]2 in your body is enough for you.

What about supplements or herbs to help me lose weight?

Don't be conned by diet pills, magic in a bottle, or fat absorbers. Any-
thing really effective is not safe, and those that are safe are not effec-
tive. To deal with the real problem, you must make real changes.
Here is some data on three of the most popular remedies:

Garcinia cambogia (hydroxycitric acid): In spite of an interesting
theory and some intriguing animal studies, the human studies are
unimpressive. In the best study to date, 135 patients were double-

blinded to receive either 1,500 mg per day of hydroxycitric acid or a

placebo. They were all placed on a high-fiber, low-calorie diet. After

twelve weeks, the placebo group had lost more weight.^5 Conclusion:

garcinia cambogia doesn't work.

Chitosan: This form of chitin, derived from the shells of crustaceans,

supposedly traps fat in the intestine and is frequently advertised as

Fat Absorb. A review of the data available seems to indicate that you

would have to consume an entire bottle every day to have much of

a reduction in fat absorption. The amount of fat absorbed is minus-

cule and clinical data shows that Chitosan does not promote weight

loss.^6 Conclusion: Chitosan doesn't work.

Ephedra alkaloids (ma huang): Though this natural stimulant has

a small effect on reducing appetite, the FDA has issued a warning re-

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