Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
274 Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Vince. S. E. Nissen, and E. M. TAizcu.

  1. Arterial remodeling and coro-
    nary artery disease: the concept of
    "dilated" versus "obstructive" coro-
    nary atherosclerosis. J. Am. Coll.
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  2. Elihu, N., S. Anandasbapathy, and
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    feroxamine, and dexrazoxane. J.
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    ease: a systematic review. Circulation
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  3. Gould, K. L. 1998. New concepts
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    progression or regression of coro-
    nary atherosclerosis with intensive
    risk factor modification: effects of
    diet, drugs and exercise. Sports Med.
    22 (5): 306-20.

  4. Kannel, W. B. 1995. Range of serum
    cholesterol values in the population
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    son, and D. Levy. 1992. Lipids and
    risk of coronary heart disease: the
    Framingham Study. Ann. Epidemiol. 2
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  5. Kinosian, B., H. Glick, and G. Gar-
    land. 1994. Cholesterol and coro-
    nary heart disease: predicting risks
    by levels and ratios. Ann. Int. Med.
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  6. Miller, E. R„ T. P. Erlinger, D. R.
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    Appel. 1999. Lifestyle changes that
    reduce blood pressure: implementa-
    tion in clinical practice. J. Clin. Hy-

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tive Research Group. 1997. A clinical
trial of the effects of dietary patterns
on blood pressure. N. Eng. J. Med. 336:

  1. Whelton, P. K.. L. I. Appel, M. A. Es-
    peland, et al. 1998. Sodium reduc-
    tion and weight loss in the
    treatment of hypertension >n older
    persons: a randomized controlled trial
    of nonpharmacologic interventions in
    the elderly. JAMA 279: 839-46.

  2. Stafford, R. S., and D. Blumenthal.

  3. Specialty differences in cardio-
    vascular disease prevention practices.
    J.Am. Colt. Cardiol. 32 (5): 1238-43.

  4. Gaster, B., and 1. B. Hirsh. 1998. The
    effects of improved glucose control
    on complications in type 2 diabetes.
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  5. Stamler, J., O. Vaccaro, J. D. Neaton,
    et al. 1993. Diabetes, other risk fac-
    tors, and 12-year cardiovascular
    mortality for men screened in the
    multiple risk factor intervention
    trial. Diabetes Care 16: 434-44; Haff-
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    et al. 1998. Mortality from coronary
    heart disease in subjects with type
    2 diabetes and in nondiabetic sub-
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    dial infarction. N. Eng. J. Med. 339 (4):
    229-34; Janka, H. U. 1996. Increased
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    tality in diabetes mellitus: identifica-
    tion of the high risk patient. Diabetes
    Res. Clin. Pratt. 30 (supp.): 85-88.

  6. Crane, M. 1994, Regression of dia-
    betic neuropathy with total vegetar-
    ian (vegan) diet. J. Nutr. Med. 4: 431.

  7. Lovejoy, J. C„ M. M. Windhauser,
    J. C. Rood, and J. A. De La Bretonne.

  8. Effects of a controlled high-fat
    versus low-fat diet on insulin sensi-
    tivity and leptin levels in African-
    American and Caucasian women.
    Metab. 47: 1520-24.

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