Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1

Eat to Live 275

  1. Williamson, D. F., T. J. Thompson,
    M. Thun, ei al. 2000. Intentional
    weight loss and mortality among
    overweight individuals with dia-
    betes. Diabetes Care 23 (10): 1499-

  2. Tataranni. P. A., J. F. Gamier, K.
    Chen, et al. 1999, Neuroanatomies!
    correlates of hunger and satiation in
    humans using positron emission to-
    mography. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
    96 (8): 4569-74; Friedman, M. I.. P.
    Ulrich, and R. D. Mattes. 1999. A
    figurative measure of subjective
    hunger sensations. Appetite 32 (3):

  3. Diamond. S. 1995. Migraine head-
    ache: recognizing its peculiarities,
    precipitanls and prodromes. Consul-
    tant. August, 1190-95.

  4. Fuhrman. .1. 1995. Fasting and eating
    for health, a medical doctor's program
    for conquering disease. New York: St.
    Martins Press.

  5. Stephenson, J. 1993. Detox is crucial
    in chronic daily headache. Family
    Practice News, July 1, 2.

  6. Fujita. A., Y. Hashimoto. K. Naka-
    hara, T. Tanaka. T. Okuda. and M.
    Koda. 1999. Effects of a low-calorie
    vegan diet on disease activity and
    general condition in patients with
    rheumatoid arthritis. Rinsho Byori 47
    (6): 554-60; Haugen, M. A.. J.
    Kjeldsen-Kragh. K. S. Bjerve, A. T.
    Hostmark. and O. Forre. 1994.
    Changes in plasma phospholipid
    fatty acids and their relationship
    to disease activity in rheumatoid
    arthritis patients treated with a veg-
    etarian diet. Br. J. Nutr. 72 (4):
    555-66; Peltonen, R.. M. Nenonen.
    T. Helve, et al. 1997. Faecal micro-
    bial flora and disease activity in
    rheumatoid arthritis during a vegan
    diet. Br. J. Rheumatol. 36 (1): 64-68;
    Kjeldsen-Kragh. J. 1999. Rheuma-
    toid arthritis treated with vegetarian
    diets. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 70 (3 supp.):
    594S-600S; Haddad. E. H., L. S.
    Berk, J. D, Kettering, R. W. Hub-
    bard, and W. R. Peters. 1999. Dietary

intake and biochemical, hemato-
logic, and immune status of vegans
compared with nonvegetarians. Am.
J. Clin. Nutr. 70 (3 supp.): 586S-93S.

  1. Kjeldsen-Kragh. J.. M. Hvatum, M.
    Haugen. O. Forre. and H. Scott.
    1995. Antibodies against dietary
    antigens in rheumatoid arthritis
    patents treated with fasting and a
    one-year vegetarian diet. Clin. Exp.
    Rlteumatol. 13 (2): 167-72.

  2. Scotl, D., D. P. Symmons, B. L. Coul-
    ton, and A. J. Popert. 1987. Long-
    term outcome ol treating rheumatoid
    arthritis: results after 20 years.
    Lancet 1 (8542): 1108-11.

  3. Jones. M., D. Symmons. J. Finn, and
    F. Wolfe. 1996. Does exposure to im-
    munosuppressive therapy increase
    the 10-year malignancy and mortal-
    ity risk? B. J. Rheum. 35 (8): 738-45.

  4. Barnard. N. D., A. R. Scialli. D. Hur-
    lock. and P. Benon. 2000. Diet and
    sex-hormone binding globulin, dys-
    menorrhea, and premenstrual symp-
    toms. Obstet. Gynecol. 92 (2): 245-50.

  5. King, T. S.. M. Elia, and J. O. Hunter.

  6. Abnormal colonic fermenta-
    tion in irritable bowel syndrome.
    Lancet 352 (9135): 1187-89.

Chapter 8: Your Plan for Substantial
Weight Reduction

  1. Gustafsson, K., N. G. Asp. B. Hagan-
    der. et al. 1995. Influence of process-
    ing and cooking of carrots in mixed
    meals on satiety, glucose and hor-
    monal reponse. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr.
    46 (1): 3-12.

  2. Lintschinger. J.. N. Fuchs, H. Moser,
    et al. 1997. Uptake of various trace
    elements during germination of
    wheat, buckwheat and quinoa. Plant
    Foods Hum. Nutr. 50 (3): 223-37.

  3. Hudson. E.A.. P. A. Dinh, T. Koku-
    bun, el al. 2000. Characterization of
    potentially chemopreventive phe-
    nols in extracts of brown rice that
    inhibit the growth of human breast
    and colon cancer cells. Cancer Epi-
    demiol. Biomarkers Prev. 9 (11):

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