Healing After Loss

(coco) #1


When your burden is heaviest, you can always lighten a little
some other burden. At the times when you cannot see God,
there is still open to you this sacred possibility, to show God;
for it is the love and kindness of human hearts through which
the divine reality comes home to men, whether they name
it or not. Let this thought, then, stay with you: there may be
times when you cannot find help, but there is no time when
you cannot give help.

Often, especially in first grief, we don’t have the will or en-
ergy to do anything much, for ourselves or for anyone else.
But as we begin to get better, we can give ourselves a wel-
come break from our preoccupying sadness by doing
something for another. It expresses the hope that we are not
always going to be stuck in this valley of sadness. Not to
mention that such a move on our part can be reassuring and
useful to someone else!

It is amazing the way depression lifts when we are able to move
out of our own concerns and do something for someone else.

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