Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law

(lily) #1
rape victims goes beyond the examination of support
seeking as a coping process. For example, one issue for
rape victims is whether and to whom to disclose the
assault. Although disclosing the assault may not neces-
sarily be for the purpose of seeking support, unlike
other events that are more public (e.g., bereavement),
victims only receive supportive or unsupportive reac-
tions from others if they disclose the assault to them.
The act of disclosing the assault or of seeking support
also should be distinguished from the supportive or
unsupportive reactions of others to the victim regarding
the assault. Thus, research in this area has focused on
whether and to whom victims disclose, what kinds of
reactions they receive, and how those reactions are
related to victims’ distress levels. This research sug-
gests that although most rape victims do not report the
assault to the police, most disclose to someone, such as
friends or family members. In general, victims indicate
that they received mostly positive and supportive reac-
tions from others. However, negative reactions, such as
being blamed or treated differently, also occur and
appear to be more common from formal (e.g., the
police, physicians) than from informal (e.g., friends,
family) support providers. Negative social reactions
tend to be more associated with distress than positive
social reactions are associated with well-being. Nonethe-
less, being believed and being listened to by others,
especially friends and family, is associated with better
adjustment among rape victims. Many friends and vic-
tims report that the assault had a positive effect on their
relationships (e.g., it brought them closer).

Attributions About
the Cause of the Rape
Individuals who have been sexually assaulted often
struggle to regain a sense of control over their lives.
One way to do this is to try to identify the cause of the
assault (i.e., make a causal attribution) and thus recog-
nize how the assault could have been prevented. For
rape victims, this may involve trying to identify what
they could have done differently to avoid being raped.
Much of the research on the relations among attribu-
tions and posttrauma distress has been guided by the
theory that behavioral self-blame, which involves
attributing the assault to one’s past behavior, is an
adaptive response to rape because it is associated with
the belief that future rapes can be avoided. In contrast,
characterological self-blame, which involves attribut-
ing the rape to some stable aspect of one’s self that

cannot be changed, is thought to be maladaptive
because it is not associated with a sense of future con-
trol. This theory has been described as dominating
research on attributions and adjustment for more than
two decades and as being widely accepted as having
implications for interventions with trauma survivors.
Although this theory suggests that behavioral self-
blame is adaptive, behavioral self-blame consistently
is associated with more, rather than less, distress
among survivors of rape. In addition, behavioral self-
blame generally is unrelated to perceived future con-
trol among victims of rape. In other words, behavioral
self-blame does not appear to foster the belief that
future rapes can be avoided, which was the proposed
mechanism for its adaptive value. Characterological
self-blame is also consistently related to higher distress
levels. Indeed, the two types of self-blame are highly
correlated with each other. Experimental studies sug-
gest that reductions in self-blame in treatment are asso-
ciated with reductions in PTSD symptoms.
Research on attributions has tended to focus on self-
blame, perhaps because of the predominance of the
aforementioned theory. However, other kinds of blame,
such as blaming the rapist or other external factors, tend
to be more common than self-blame. These other types
of blame also are associated with more distress. It
appears that focusing on the past and on why the assault
occurred is associated with higher distress levels. It is
less adaptive to focus on the past and on why the assault
occurred, or even on how future assaults can be
avoided, than to focus on aspects of the assault that are
currently controllable, such as the recovery process.

Patricia A. Frazier

See also Child Sexual Abuse; Rape Trauma Syndrome;

Further Readings
Filipas, H., & Ullman, S. (2001). Social reactions to sexual
assault victims from various support sources. Violence
and Victims, 16,673–692.
Frazier, P. (2003). Perceived control and distress following
sexual assault: A longitudinal test of a new model.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84,
Frazier, P., Mortensen, H., & Steward, J. (2005). Coping
strategies as mediators of the relations among perceived
control and distress in sexual assault survivors. Journal of
Counseling Psychology, 52,267–278.

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