Realism and World Politics

(Nora) #1



State dimensions

Modern state

Postmodern state

Weak postcolonial state

Modernizing state


A segregated national

National economies much less

Heterogeneous combination

Additional examples include

economy, self-sustained in the

self-sustained than earlier

of traditional agriculture, an

Argentina, Mexico and

sense that it comprises the

because of ‘deep integration’.

informal petty urban sector,

Venezuela in Latin America,

main sectors needed for its

Major part of economic activity

and some fragments of modern

as well as Indonesia, Malaysia

reproduction. The major part

embedded in cross-border

industry. Strong dependence

and Thailand in Asia.

of economic activity takes


on the global economy.

place at home.


National authority in the form

From non-intervention

Constitutional independence

Each of these countries

of constitutional independence.

towards mutual intervention.

combined with ‘negotiated

contains a unique mixture

The state has supreme political

Regulation by supranational

intervention’ (donor control

of different types of

authority within the territory.

authority increasingly

of aid, supervision by


Non-intervention: right to


international society). ‘Non-

decide without outside

reciprocity’ (special treatment


of weak states because theycannot reciprocate).

Country examples

OECD states circa 1955

OECD states today

Most countries in Sub-

See above

Saharan Africa
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