Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

Index 481 

penances, 71 , 187 , 281
prayer life, 214 , 344 , 352 , 355 , 358 – 59
death, 394 , 406
visions, 149 , 237 , 266 , 273 , 318
bequests, deathbed.Seewills
baptistery, 26 , 29
cathedral complex, 16 – 18 , 236 , 313
confraternities, 427
funeral rites, 395 , 403 – 4
Holy Week, 319 , 321 – 22
liturgy, 47 , 150 – 52 , 175 , 273 , 317
patron saints, 114
public penance, 303
Bernardino of Siena, St., 32
Bernardo, bp. of Verona, 29
Bernardo de’ Gallerani, bp. of Siena, 91 , 196
Bertha, empress, 126
bestiality, 302

betrothals, 145 – 46
Bible, 91 , 242 , 339 , 341
Biblioteca Palatina (Parma), 26
bidding prayers, 252 – 53
for dead, 415
on Good Friday, 324
lay penitents use, 92 – 93
Biella, 19 , 79 , 130
cathedra, 25 – 26
funerals of, 396
Holy Week, 318 – 30 , 334
jurisdictional conflicts, 36 , 104 , 301
pastoral role, 17 – 22 , 44 – 45 , 79 , 180 , 236
in processions, 149 , 154 , 156 – 57
public penance, 299 – 300 , 304 – 8
relation to commune, 16 – 18 , 44 – 45 , 49 , 104 – 7 ,
179 – 80

Black Death, 422
lay saints and, 192 , 196
repression of, 87 , 138 , 140
against saints, 429 , 453
blessed salt, 127 , 348

Blessed Virgin Mary, 166 – 74 ,fig. 53
communes and, 112 , 126 , 137 ,fig. 37
death and mourning, as aid in, 383 – 84 , 400
devotions honoring, 88 , 90 – 91 , 348 – 49 , 358 ,
361 – 63 , 363
feasts of, 278 – 79 , 160
as intercessor, 277 – 78 , 285 , 349 , 414
‘‘Mary Mass,’’ 247 – 49
public cult, 111 – 14 , 121 – 23 , 126 , 150 , 159
blessing of penitent habit, 84
body, human
canon law on dismemberment, 410 n. 193

ex–votos representing, 215
incorrupt, 396
preparation for burial, 395 – 98
use in prayer, 238 – 39 , 334 , 343 , 345 – 48 , 367 ,
fig. 52
Bologna.See alsoPetronio, St.
almsgiving, 165 , 388
baptistery, 29 – 30
baptismal churches, 27
bishop and commune, 107 , 301 – 2
calendar, liturgical, 274
candle offerings at, 162 – 63
cappelle, 36 – 39 , 48 – 49
cathedral, 18 – 19 , 21 – 24 , 47 , 127 , 157 , 175 – 76 ,
fig. 6
city chapel, 106 ,fig. 42
civic buildings, 124 – 25
church construction at, 40 – 42
currency, xii
festivals, 276 – 78
Francis of Assisi at, 18 – 19
funerals and tombs, 397 , 402 , 410 – 11
heretics at, 427 – 28 , 433 – 47
inquisition at, protests against, 433 – 56
legislation, religious, 137 – 38 , 143 ,fig. 43
mendicants at, 110 , 123 , 419 – 24
origins of commune, 103 – 4
palio, 173
patron saints, 116 – 19 , 122 , 383 – 84
penitents at, 73 , 77 , 79 , 80 – 82 , 94 – 95 , 101 – 2 ,
345 – 46
Popolo, 129 – 36 , 254 – 55
processions at, 151 , 156 , 159
Santo Stefano complex, 42 – 44 , 206
women religious at, 426
Bompietro di Giovanni of Bologna, 434 – 56
Bona of Pisa, St.
cult and miracles, 151 , 207 , 209
devotional life, 248 , 259 , 347
youth, 72 , 185
Bonaventure, St., 79 , 297 , 366
Boncompagno of Signi, 130
Boniface VIII, pope, 188 , 362 , 410 , 432 , 442
Bononio of Bologna, St., 43 , 214
Bonvesin de la Riva
on confession, 288
elevation prayers, 260 – 61
on Mass, 255 – 56
on Milan, 38
poem on Virgin Mary, 369
on prayer, 356 , 359
books of hours, 90 , 358
Borgo San Sepolcro, 91
Bornstein, Daniel, 216
boundaries, diocesan, 16
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