Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 486 Index

exorcism (continued)
by laity, 200
using Pater Noster, 352
extreme unction, 382 , 384 , 391 – 92
ex-votos, 28 , 40 , 127 , 215 ,fig. 12

Ezzelino, bp. of Vicenza, 45
Ezzelino da Romano, 27 , 108 – 9 , 145 , 174

Facio of Cremona, St., 7 , 190 , 195 , 199 , 391
baptistery, 29 – 30
Bologna palio and, 173 – 74
candle offering, 170
cathedral, 24
confraternities, 51 , 184
lay penitents, 76 , 81
patron saints, 109 , 110 , 113 , 205
burials and, 395 , 398
catechesis and, 337
funerals and, 413
group identity, 142
lay saints and, 196 – 97
marriage and, 145
wills and, 388
fasts and fasting, 280 – 84
Christmas Eve, 275
Holy Saturday, 327
Holy Week, 321
lay penitents and, 85 – 86
public penitents and, 304
Rogation Days, 153
fathers, 142 – 43
fautors of heretics, 434
feasting, religious, 274 – 75
feasts, liturgical, 276 – 80
Federico Visconti, abp. of Pisa, 428

feet, washing of infants’, 330
Felix, St., 114 , 122 , 138
Ferrara.See alsoArmanno Pungilupo, St.
baptismal churches, 34 , 37
baptismal font, 31 – 32 ,fig. 20
bishop, 46
cathedral, 17 , 23 , 47 , 120 , 136 ,figs. 2 , 3 , 5
clergy, organization, 50 – 51 , 416
funerals, 394 , 415 – 16
heresy at, 435 – 36
legislation, religious, 138 ,fig. 40
miracles, 262
Popolo, 129
saints’ cults, 274
seignorial regime, 37 , 112 , 166
feuds, 211 , 148
Fiesole, 25 , 50 , 337 ,fig. 8
Filippo of Ferrara, 275 , 282 , 353 , 356 , 340

Filippo Benizzi, St.
miracles, 206 , 214 , 297 , 346 , 395 , 398
preaching, 183
Filippo Fontana, abp. of Ravenna, 106 , 110
Fina of San Gimignano, St., 186 – 7 , 215
fire, Easter, 328 – 29
five wounds of Christ, 354
flagellants.See alsolay penitents
Bologna Popolo and, 130
clericalization, 89 , 428
devotions and rituals, 85 , 92 , 120 , 258 , 397
lay penitents and, 99 , 184
peacemaking by, 107
spirituality of, 93 , 294 – 95 , 327 , 344 , 349
suffrages, 417
baptistery, 27 – 32 , 311 ,fig. 18
calendar, religious, 274 – 75
candle offering, 165 – 66
cappelle, 37 , 42
cathedral, 120 , 123
clergy, organization, 50
festivals, 172
funerals, 397 , 412 – 13
heresy at, 440
lay penitents, 70 , 72 , 95 , 100 – 101 , 184 , 188
liturgical and ritual life, 5 , 92 , 149 , 156
Marian devotions, 90 – 91
May Day rituals, 280
mendicants and, 422 , 425
patron saints, 109 , 114 , 120 , 215
Pietro Pettinaio on, 384
Popolo, 130 , 134
Florio of Vicenza, inquisitor, 429 , 432 , 437
fonts, baptismal, 28 – 30 , 31 – 34 , 175
baptismal churches, 36 – 37
clergy, 46
shrines, 209 , 211 , 214 , 356
Forlimpopoli, 37
formulas for confession, 289 .See alsoconfession
Fortunatus, St., 114 , 122 , 127 , 215
Fossalta, Battle of, 127
Francesco Monaldeschi, bp. of Florence, 88
Francesco Patrizzi, St.
death, 200
devotion to Virgin Mary, 349
on elevation of Host, 264
miracles, 213 , 311
preaching, 335 – 36
Francis of Assisi, St.
on confession, 286
conversion, 71 , 185
devotion to Eucharist, 264
lay penitents and, 76
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