Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 488 Index

Giovanni Buono (continued)
miracles, 193 , 204
orthodoxy, 192 , 196 , 263 – 64
religious devotions, 339 , 348 , 352 , 394
shrine, 210 , 212 – 14
youth, 182
Giovanni Cacciafronte, St., bp. of Vicenza, 45 , 180
Giovanni de’ Mangiadori, bp. of Florence, 47
Giovanni de’ Mussi, 104 , 196 , 381
Giovanni Italo, 262
Giovanni Pelingotto, St., 183 , 188 , 287 , 293
Giovanni Pisano, 314 , 333
Giovanni Savelli, bp. of Bologna, 438 , 450
Giovanni Villani, 42 , 87 , 172 , 280
Girolamo de’ Borselli, 173 , 411
Gisla of Mucello, patron of St. Umiliana, 194 , 393 ,
Giuliano di Salimbene (heretic), 434 – 41 , 445 – 46 ,
448 , 454

Giunta Bevegnati, 198
gluttony, 290 – 91
catechesis by, 313 , 315 , 337 – 38 , 341
liturgical role, 315 – 16 , 326 , 330 , 334 , 337
Good Friday, 92 , 150 , 321 , 323 – 26

exorcisms and blessings with, 124 , 155 , 316
miracles involving, 156
oaths on, 136 , 157 , 168
preachers’ use of, 337
proclamation of, 24 , 256 , 318 – 19

grace at meals, 354 , 356
Grado, Council of ( 1296 ), 240
Gratian the Canonist
on baptism rites, 32 – 33
on carnival, 282 – 83
on catechesis, 341
on clergy and laity, 44
on frequency of communion, 267
on friendship, 375
manuscript illustrations, 284
on parish size, 35
on public penance, 81

graves, 409 – 11
Gray Penitents, 82 .See alsoFranciscans; lay peni-
Grazio, bp. of Parma, 45
Greek, liturgical use of, 282 , 317 , 333 , 360
Gregorian Reform, 69

Gregorio, bp. of Bergamo, 150
Gregory I, the Great, St., pope, 25 , 246 , 291 , 415
Gregory VII, St., pope, 43
Gregory VIII, pope, 40
Gregory IX, pope
canonizations by, 201 , 205

indulgences, 360 , 362
lay penitents and, 70 , 77 – 78 , 80 – 81
reception at Bologna, 157
Grundmann, Herbert, 1 – 2
Guala of Bergamo, bp. of Brescia, St., 106 , 307
Gualfardo, St. 185
guardian angels, 361 – 62
candle offering, 163
confraternities, 91
Easter at, 327
mendicants at, 176
St. Ubaldo defends, 45 , 104 , 158 – 59 , 179
St. Ubaldo’s shrine, 201
Guelfs and Ghibellines
Bologna, 118
Cortona, 113
Faenza, 109
Lombard, 112
Tuscan, 111 , 119
Guercio Tebalducci, bp. of Lucca, 80 , 281
Guglielma of Milan, St., 210 , 417 , 396
Guglielmo degli Ubertini, bp. of Arezzo, 198
Guglielmo della Torre, bp. of Como, 41 n. 155 ,
265 , 267 , 323
Guglielmo Visconti, card. of Aix, 42
Guidaloste Vergiolesi, bp. of Pistoia, 98
Guido II, bp. of Assisi, 71 , 74
Guido of Baiso, ‘‘the Archdeacon’’, 437
Guido of Vicenza, inquisitor
inquisitor of Armanno Pungilupo, 432 – 33
inquisitor at Bologna, 49 , 433 – 56
penances given, 235 – 36
poetry, 433 n. 106
Guido Da Loca of Brescia, St., 430
Guidotto of Coreggio, bp. of Mantua, 302
Guiglielmo, bp. of Ferrara, 416
Guiglielmo of Cremona, inquisitor, 436
Guiglielmo of Foliano, bp. of Reggio, 157
guilds, 129
Guillaume Perault (Peraldus), 290
Guillelmus Durandus, 253 , 303 , 306 – 7 , 411
Gunteramo II, bp. of Siena, 115

habit of the lay penitents, 72 , 74 , 76 , 81 – 84
hagiography, 8
hair, 142
healing, miraculous, 193 , 197 , 199 , 204 , 209 .See also
heaven, 413
Hebrew, liturgical use of, 333 , 360
hell, 413
Henry IV, emperor, 45 , 126
Henry V, emperor, 5
Henry VII, emperor, 172 , 236 , 425
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