Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 490 Index

Jerome, St., 362
‘‘Holy Jerusalem’’ of Bologna, 42 – 44 , 117 , 119 ,
pilgrimages to, 185 , 244
praying toward, 237
symbolism of, 26 , 317 – 18 , 320 – 21
Jesus Christ
devotion to body size, 360 , 366 ,fig. 57
piety centered on, 261 , 325 , 366 – 67 , 369
prayer book devotions, 362 – 67
Jews, 139 , 323 , 367
Joachim of Fiore, 190
Johannes Teutonicus, canonist, 291 – 92
John the Baptist, St.
candles offered to, 134
cult at Florence, 109 , 114
cult at Parma, 112
John the Evangelist, feast of, 278
jokes, Easter, 335
Jones, Philip, 3
Jordan of Saxony, St., 350
Jovial Friars.SeeFrati Gaudenti
Judas, 321
jurisdictions, bishop and commune, 107 .See also in-
dividual cities
Justina, St., 270 , 278
Justinian of Bologna, St., 116

kneeling.See alsobody, human
for communion, 270
during confession, 286 – 87
before cross and images, 324 , 346 , 349
forbidden during Easter time, 334
lay attitudes toward, 238
at Mass, 256
Peter the Chanter on, 347 ,fig. 48
by popes, 238
in prayer, 357
knights and knighthood, 127 , 172 , 202 , 397

baptism by, 310
candle offering by, 163
communion, frequency of, 268
confession, 294 – 308
devotion to Mass and Office, 243 – 44 , 249 , 259
fasting by, 282
funerals, 397 – 413
heresy and orthodoxy, views on, 447 – 56
Latin, knowledge of, 350
liturgical participation, 154 , 253 , 255 , 257 – 58
private prayer, 343 – 80
in processions, 151 , 153 – 54
Lambertazzi (Bolognese faction), 110 , 173 , 424
Lamentations of Jeremiah, 321

lamps, vigil and votive
in Bologna, 125 , 134 ,fig. 43
in Modena, 122
for saints, 20 , 88 , 90 , 209
in Siena, 126
Landolfo, bp. of Ferrara, 17 , 37
Lanfranco Beccari, St., bp. of Pavia, 45 , 180 , 393 ,
Lanfranco Civolla, bp. of Bergamo, 17 , 236
Lanfranco Mazzocchi of Bergamo, 26 , 319
Languedoc, 428
Last Judgment, 407
last rites, 188 , 381 – 84 , 445 .See alsoextreme unc-
tion; sick, pastoral care of
Last Supper, 343
Lateran IV, Council of, 235
on burials, 409
on catechesis, 339 – 40
on confession and communion, 85 , 267 , 290 ,
297 – 98
on marriage, 144
on new orders, 75
in confraternity devotions, 89 – 90 , 92
lay knowledge of, 8 , 144 , 239 – 43 , 318 , 339 , 358 ,
in prayer and prayer books, 92 , 263 , 337 , 351 –
52 , 358 – 59 , 361 – 63 , 365 , 383 , 416
Latino Malabranca, card. of Ostia, 110 , 429
Laudes Civitatum, 15
laudesi, 90 – 91
Lauds, 241 – 42 .See alsoDivine Office
bell ringing for, 175
Christmas, 276
use of Paters for, 90 , 354
possessions after, 150
at Tenebrae, 321
in Vigils of the Dead, 405 – 6
Laurent of Orleans, 190 , 350 , 376 , 382
Lawrence the Martyr, St., 110
funerals, 397
prayer against, 366
at saints’ shrines, 210
as secular priests, 127
sumptuary laws on, 148
lay confraternities.Seeconfraternities
‘‘lay office,’’ 343 , 354 .See alsoPater Noster
lay penitents, 69 – 102 .See alsoconfraternities; fla-
antiheretical activities, 96 – 97
canonical and civil status, 77 – 82
use of confession, 295
‘‘conversion of life,’’ 182 – 84
funerals, 397 , 403
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