Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

Index 491 

mendicants and, 10 , 97 – 102 , 422 – 28
origins, 69 – 72
peacemaking by, 106 – 7
religious life, 89 – 94 , 267 , 295 – 96 , 350 , 354
service to communes, 94 – 96
suffrages, 417
wills, 386 – 88
Lent, 280 – 85 , 299 – 305
catechumenate rites during, 315 – 17
kneeling at Mass, 256
marriage in, 146
Lenten veil, 283 , 324 , 327
Leo III, St., pope, 152
Leo de’ Valvassori of Perego, abp. of Milan, 105
Liber de Duobus Principiis, 435
Liber Falsariorum(Padua), 122
Liber Sextus, 442
liberties of the Church, 107
Liguria, 34

Litanic prayers, 321 , 361 – 63 , 365
Litanies, Major and Minor, 151 – 56 , 160
Litany of the Saints
in death rituals, 386
at Easter Vigil, 328 – 29 , 331
lay use, 258 ,fig. 54
in prayer books, 361 , 363
on Rogation Days, 153
confession and, 292
lay saints and, 187 , 192 , 240 , 339
prayer and, 76 , 89 , 350 , 354 , 357 , 394

‘‘Little Office of the Blessed Virgin,’’ 242 , 358 , 361
‘‘Little Office of the Holy Cross,’’ 358
liturgy, 235 – 342
bishop and, 180
role of the cathedral, 17
of collegiate churches, 40
communes and, 109 , 125
lay participation, 8 – 9 , 26 , 239 , 244 , 259 ,
399 – 403
prayer books and, 359 , 362
in prayer books, 92 , 361
private prayer and, 343 , 354
religious geography and, 16 , 236
Lodovico of San Bonifacio, count, 147 , 415
Lombard Law, 143 , 147
Lombard League, First, 4
Lombard League, Second, wars of, 27 – 28 , 108 ,
110 , 112 , 174

‘‘Lombard Penitents,’’ 76 , 79
Lombardi (Bolognese corporation), 131 , 134 , 165 ,
Lottieri della Tosa, bp. of Faenza, 134
Louis IX, St., king of France, 346
Low Sunday, 274 , 334

baptistery, 30
calendar, 274
candle offering, 161 , 163 , 170
clergy confraternity, 49 – 50
funerals and wills, 386 , 402
lay penitents, 70 , 73 , 80 , 99 , 102 , 200
liturgical life, 242 , 248 , 265 – 66
mendicants and, 425
patron saints, 109 , 115 , 171 , 179 , 181
shrines, 203 – 4 , 210
Lucca Synod ( 1300 ), 73
Lucchese of Poggibonsi, St., 184 , 295 , 336
Lucius III, pope, 113
Lucy, St., 88
Ludus Paschalis(‘‘Easter Game’’), 335
Lyons II, Council of, 420

macronic prayers, 363
Madonna degli Occhi Grossi(painting), 159 – 60
Madonna del Voto(painting), 153 , 159
Mandatum(washing of feet), 330
Manfredo of Coranzano, podesta of Parma, 159
Manfredo Maschara, 434 , 439 – 40
mantellati.Seelay penitents
calendar, liturgical, 274
candle offering, 163
clergy confraternity, 49 – 50
lay penitents, 92 , 95 , 182
palio, 173
patron saints, 120 , 179 , 204 – 5
Popolo, 130
shrines, 212 – 14 , 263
signoria and liturgy, 112 – 13 , 166
March of Ancona, 199
Margaret, St., 273 , 358
Margherita of Citta`di Castello, St.
devotional life, 296 , 358
as godmother, 197
shrine, 200 , 205 , 211
youth, 187
Margherita of Cortona, St.
commune and, 109 , 113
conversion, 82 , 196 ,fig. 34
criticism of clergy, 249 , 264 , 293
fasting, 284
Franciscans and, 426
as godmother, 338
liturgy and, 243 , 248 , 268 , 355 , 357
miracles, 202 , 266 , 336
peacemaking, 198
prayer, 343 , 352 , 356
prophecies, 197
shrine, 215 – 16
visions, 273
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