Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

Index 495 

perjury, 300 , 302
Perugia, 27 , 98 – 99 , 164
Peter the Apostle, St.
candle offering to, 162
palios honor, 173
as patron saint, 113 , 114 , 118 , 122
Peter of Verona (Peter Martyr), St.
in art, 110 ,fig. 36
education, 241
flagellants and, 87 – 88
hostility to cult, 429 , 453
miracles, 406
promotion of cult, 204 , 208
Sant’Eustorgio renovations by, 25
shrine, 208 – 9 ,fig. 46
Societas Fidelium and, 96
Peter the Chanter
on confession, 286
elevation prayer, 260
on kneeling, 238 ,fig. 48
on laity at Mass and Office, 244 , 256
on prayer, 345 – 48 , 350 , 354 , 357 , 359 – 60 ,fig.
Petronio of Bologna, St.
in art, 121
candle offering, 164
death, 383 – 84
life and vita, 116 – 19 , 137 ,fig. 39
miracles, 209 – 10
Santo Stefano (Bologna) and, 42 – 44
Philip, St., 114
baptismal font, 32
baptistery, 30 ,fig. 16
bishop and commune, 44 – 45 , 104 – 5
candle offering, 164 , 167
cappelle, 17 , 241 – 42
cathedral, 17
clergy confraternity, 51
Dodici Apostoli (hospital), 191 , 195
flagellants, 347 , 354
lay penitents, 79 , 85
Palazzo Comunale, 124
peacemaking, 270
relics, 207
Virgin Mary, 167
pianto(planctus), 399 – 402 , 418 ,fig. 58
‘‘Pianto della Vergine Maria,’’ 400
Piazza dei Miracoli (Pisa), 31 , 320 ,fig. 19
Piazza Maggiore (Bologna), 440 – 43 ,fig. 60
Picino, abp. of Ravenna, 81
Pietro of Rimini (heretic), 435
Pietro Crisci of Foligno, St., 182 – 83
Pietro Parenzi, St., 263 , 283 , 305
Pietro Pettinaio of Siena, St.
asceticism, 282

attentiveness in church, 244 – 45
charitable work, 196
church visits, 344
commune and, 81 , 199
communions, 268
confession, 284 – 85 , 287
death, 384 , 386
as godparent, 388
becomes a lay penitent, 82
marriage, 7 , 192
preaching by, 198
prostration in prayer, 347
retreats for prayer, 192
his trade, 193 – 94
pievi.Seebaptismal churches
examples of, 192 , 205 – 6
lay saints and, 181 , 184 – 89
in vita of St. Petronio, 119
pinc ̧ocheri.Seelay penitents
alms to mendicants, 423 – 24
art, religious, 122
baptismal font, 32 – 33 ,figs. 22 , 23
baptisms at, 331
baptistery, 29
bishop and commune, 46 – 48 , 105
candle offering, 165 , 167 – 69 , 171
cappelle, 36
cathedral, 19 – 20
Christmas rites, 276
confraternities, 90
Easter rites, 322 – 24 , 327 , 332 – 34
fasts, 282
flagellants, 87
funerals, 402 , 410
lay penitents, 49 – 50 , 72
legislation, religious, 136 , 139 , 146
mendicants, hostility toward, 425
ordinations, 281
patron saints, 109 , 183 , 185 , 206
penance rites, 303 – 4 , 307
Piazza dei Miracoli, 31 , 410 ,fig. 19
Popolo, 135 – 36
processions, 150 , 156
treatise on Pisan liturgy, 8 , 154 , 320 ,fig. 49
Pistoia, 35 , 42 , 50 , 98 , 384
Pistore, bp. of Vicenza, 45
candle offerings by, 162 – 70
origins of office, 104
reception, 157
political theology, 6 , 137
Ponte Pietra(Pons Fractus), Verona, 320 ,fig. 51
Poor Catholics, 75 , 354
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