Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 496 Index

Poor Clares, 98 , 184
poor law, 138
Poor Lombards, 75

popes and the papacy.See also individual popes
in art, 238
communes and, 3
prophecies about, 190
role in canonization, 205 – 6
Popolo, 128 – 36
candle offerings by, 162
chapels of, 23 , 40
funerals, 399 , 404
nature, 104 , 137 – 38 , 157
popular religion (scholarly concept), 2 , 8
Porcellino, Pievano (fictional character), 47 , 51
Porta de’ Lioni (Bologna), 23 ,fig. 6
Porta dei Mesi (Ferrara), 23
Porta Regia (Modena), 23 , 169 ,fig. 3
Porta San Procolo, Battle of ( 1272 ), 110

Porta Ticinese (Milan), 110 ,fig. 36
possession, demonic, 208 – 9
posture in prayer.Seebody, human
poverty, 72 , 178 – 88
prayer, private, 240 , 343 – 80
for the dead, 177 , 383 , 413 – 14 , 416
death and, 383
lay penitents and, 89 – 93
sources for, 10
taught to children, 339
worldly concerns in, 367
prayer books, 358 – 73

prayers, hymns, and liturgical texts.See alsoApos-
tle’s Creed; Ave Maria; Confiteor; Creed;
Pater Noster
Agnus Dei(chant), 256 – 58 , 390
Anima Christi(prayer), 262 – 63
Asperges Me(chant), 111 , 250 , 255 , 348
Ave Iesu Christe(prayer), 261
Ave Maris Stella(hymn), 361
Ave Verbum Incarnatum(prayer), 263 , 368
Ave Verum Corpus(prayer), 262 , 368
Ave Verum Incarnatum(hymn), 340
Ave Vivens Hostia(prayer), 246 , 368
Benedicite Omnia Opera Domini(canticle), 245
Benedictus(canticle), 276 , 321
Che chosa e questa(prayer), 269
Christi Corpus Ave(prayer), 260
Christi Sanguis Ave(prayer), 260
Commendamus Tibi(prayer), 304
Confectio Susceptio(prayer), 260
Credo, 247 , 251 , 258 , 394
Crux Frutex(prayer), 365
Cum Induceret Puerum Iesum(chant), 161
De Profundis(Psalm 129 ), 303
Dies Irae(sequence), 407

Divina Sapientia(prayer), 367
Ephpheta(rite), 316
Exultet(chant), 328
Gaude Virgo(hymn), 361
Gaudemus in Domino(chant), 200
Gloria, 247 , 250 , 256 , 258 , 275 – 76 , 331 , 359 – 60 ,
Gloria, Laus, et Honor(hymn), 318 , 320
Gradual (chant), 250 , 258
historiae(chants), 242
Improperia(chant), 324
In Exitu Israel(Psalm 113 ), 334
In Manis tuis(chant), 394
In Paradiso(chant), 395 , 408
In Sudore(chant), 304
Ite Missa Est, 254 , 276
Kyrie, 250 , 257 – 58
Laudate, Pueri, Dominum(Psalm 112 ), 334
Libera(chant), 407 , 414
Magnificat(canticle), 334 , 359 , 362
Miserere Mei(Psalm 50 ), 303 , 352 , 363 , 390 ,
393 – 94 , 408
Non Intres in Iudicium(prayer), 407
Non si formara(prayer), 364
Nunc Dimittis(canticle), 161
O che dono(prayer), 269
O Domine Iesu Christe(prayer), 365
O Sancta Virgo(hymn), 361
O Vivens Hostium(hymn), 361
Pange Lingua(hymn), 325
Placebo Domino(chant), 406
Questa vita e come vento(hymn), 93
Requiem Aeternam(chant), 200
Rex Sanctorum(chant), 329
Rorate Caeli(chant), 149
Salve Festa Dies(chant), 332
Salve Regina(chant), 93 , 344 , 395
Sana Eum Domine(chant), 385
Sanctus, 252 , 258 , 318 , 360
Sitientes(chant), 316
Subvenite(chant), 393 , 404
Surge qui Dormis(chant), 307
Te Deum(hymn), 245 , 276 , 332 , 394
Tract (chant), 251
Ut Queant Laxis(hymn), 358
Venite et Videte(chant), 326
Vidi Aquam(chant), 250
catechesis and, 335 – 38
by laity, 88
during Lent, 286
as penance, 450
‘‘solemn sermons,’’ 336 – 37
Precious Blood, 113 , 263
Presentation of Jesus.SeeCandlemas
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