Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 498 Index

ritual and communal identity, 6 , 141 , 235
Robert II, king of Sicily, 198
robes, baptismal, 330 , 334
Robigalia, 152
rock fights, 171
Rogation Days, 151 – 56 , 160 , 298 , 302 .See alsoLita-
nies, Major and Minor
Rolandino of Padua, 126
Rolandino Passaggeri, 118 , 411 ,fig. 59
Rolando of Pisa, deacon, 8 , 303 , 320 ,fig. 49
Rolando Taverna, bp. of Spoleto, 415
role reversal, 335
Rome.See alsopopes and papacy
confraternities, 49 , 91
lay penitents, 70
pilgrimage to, 182 , 184 – 85 , 188 – 89 , 195 , 436
shrines, 212
Rosafiore di Nicola of Verona, 382 , 444 – 47 , 451 ,
454 – 55
Rosary, 10 , 356 .See alsoPater Noster Cord
Rossi (family), 5 , 280
Ruggieri degli Ubaldini, abp. of Pisa, 47

sackcloth, 392 , 396
sacraments.See name of individual sacrament
sacrilege, 19
saints, communal, 179 – 232 .See also individual cities
and saints
cities and, 4 , 7 , 136 , 154
devotion to Mass, 249
gender ratio, 426 – 27
inquisition and, 11 , 419 , 430 – 33
names given to children, 117
preaching and, 336 – 37
saints, patron, 112 – 20 .See alsocandle offering
in art, 109 , 118 , 122
of business corporations, 131
feasts of, 278 – 79 , 151
of lay confraternities, 87 – 88
orthodoxy and, 122
of the Popolo, 132 – 33 , 136
victory and, 108 – 9 , 111 – 12 , 162
Salimbene da Adam of Parma
on Apostolici, 420
on bell ringing in Genoa, 176
on carnival, 283
oncarroccio, 126 – 27
on confession, 286 , 297
on Cluny, 15
on death and burial, 381 , 397 , 411
on feast of the boy bishop, 278
on frequency of communion, 267 – 69
on Jovial Friars, 96
on kneeling to pray, 238 , 346
on lay literacy, 241
on lay saints, 190 , 204 – 5 , 430 – 32

on liturgy, 244 – 45 , 246 , 265 – 66
on Parma baptistery, 22 , 27
on secular clergy, 259 , 425
salt, blessed, 316
Salvaza da Romano, 145
Salvitto di Salvitto of Salicetto, 447 , 449
San Bartolo di Porta Ravennate (Bologna), 444 ,
San Benedetto in Galliera (Bologna), 437 – 38 , 452
San Cassiano d’Imola, 73 – 74
San Domenico (Bologna), 165 , 433 , 443 , 445 , 455 ,
fig. 7
San Feliciano (Foligno), 249 , 382
San Giacomo (Reggio), 40 , 147 , 421
San Giacomo in Podio (Pisa), 151 , 259
San Giacomo Maggiore (Bologna), 110 , 123
San Gimignano (city)
alms to mendicants, 422
bell ringing in, 176
funerals at, 402
liturgy of, 276 , 334
patron saints, 120 , 185 – 86 , 215
Rogation processions, 154 – 55
San Giorgio (Siena), 155 , 160
San Giorgio in Brancoli (Lucca), 34
San Giovanni in Monte (Bologna), 43 , 133 – 34 , 162
San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO), 173
San Lorenzo (Siena), 151 , 155
San Martino (Siena), 155 , 319 , 344
San Martino dell’Aposa (Bologna), 421 , 437 , 448 –
49 , 451 – 52
San Miniato al Monte (Florence), 25 ,fig. 29
San Pietro (Bologna), 18 , 127 , 157 , 176
San Pietro (Parma), 205 , 430
San Procolo (Bologna), 37 , 42
San Tommaso del Mercato (Bologna), 382 , 435 ,
San Vincenzo (Bergamo)
baptistery and, 26
bell ringing at, 175
funerals at, 403 – 4
liturgy at, 16 – 18 , 151 – 52 , 319
and processions, 151
sanctuary, right of, 39
Sant’Agnese (Padua), 40 – 41
Sant’Alessandro (Bergamo)
baptismal rights, 18
bell ringing, 175
blessing of palms, 319
dependent chapels, 17 , 236
processions and, 151 , 153
Sant’Ambrogio (Bologna), 124 , 133
Sant’Andrea (Mantua), 113 , 263
Sant’Eustorgio (Milan), 24 – 25 , 236
Santa Corona (Vicenza), 114 , 123
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