Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
right for you. It is most important to remember that it is not a matter of being a
beginning, intermediate, or advanced student but rather that you are a practicing
student, doing as much as you can whenever you can. Yoga moves at your pace, in
the time you have.


Almost anyone can learn and benefit
from the Mountain Pose, which is a
standing position of postural aware-
ness. When this pose is practiced
well, the body is prepared for almost
all daily movement: standing, sitting,
walking, and running. Like the moun-
tain poised between heaven and
earth, this pose establishes grounding
through the legs and feet and
encourages the lift of the spine.
Practice this while standing sideways
near a full-length mirror at first so
you can check your alignment (see
Figure 15.1).
■ Stand as shown in the dia-
gram, with your feet close
together, your knees straight,
your shoulders back, and your
head centered over your legs.
■ Imagine your spinal column rising up tall and solid as a mountain, with your body
balanced around it. Stretch your neck up and lift the back of your skull to further
extend your spine.
■ Hold your arms relaxed at your sides, palms toward your thighs. Lock your knees
and raise your kneecaps. Relax your shoulders back and lift the collarbone.
■ Breathe slowly and deeply, feeling the energy of the earth pour upwards into and
through your body. Relax your face, look straight ahead, and hold the pose for 30
to 40 seconds, breathing evenly.
Practice the Mountain Pose several times a day. Standing well reduces strain on the joints, lig-
aments, and muscles, especially on those of the spinal column and lower extremities. It also
aids respiration, digestion, and elimination, and conveys a sense of poise and self-esteem.

The Mountain
Pose (Tadasana).
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