Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Recent research has uncovered a form of endogenous radiation, an extremely low-
level light known as biophoton emission. It is believed that biophoton emission may
be important in gene expression, membrane transport, and bioregulation.
Externally applied energy fields may alter biophoton emission to the benefit or detri-
ment of the organism. This, as well as other endogenous fields of the body may
prove to be involved in energetic therapies such as Therapeutic Touch.

Exogenous Magnetic Fields

Exogenous magnetic fields are those produced by sources outside the body and can
be classified as either artificial or natural. Artificial exogenous fields are created by
the presence of power lines, transformers, appliances, radio transmitters, and med-
ical devices. Some of these may be harmful, such as those fields emitted by power
lines, which are linked to an increased risk of childhood leukemia. Artificial electro-
magnetic fields are unpolarized. Their behavior is chaotic and disordered as they
pass through the body’s cells. This chaotic nature disturbs the endogenous magnetic
fields, resulting in damage to the body’s tissues.
The earth’s geomagnetic field is one example of a natural exogenous field. Another
example is moving water. When you are at the beach, on river banks, beside water-
falls, or even walking outside after a powerful rainstorm, you often experience feel-
ings of relaxation and peace. While these feelings may be attributed to the
psychological cues from these environments, they also have an energetic basis.
When water moves or flows, it releases negative ions into the air. When people are
surrounded by negative ions, they seem to balance their energy fields.


Another principle, related to electromagnetics, is resonance, which is simply defined
as sympathetic vibration. For example, when a tuning fork turned to note A is
sounded near a piano or guitar, any string that is tuned to that same tone will pick
up the vibration and begin to move, while the other strings will not. Crystals possess
electromagnetic properties and are capable of resonating in harmony with another
form. It is believed that when the body’s natural frequencies become unbalanced,
people experience dis-ease. The resonance of crystals is believed to harmonize and
balance the body’s frequencies back to optimum, healthy levels. The disrupted field
(the ill person) receives energy from the stronger field (the crystal) until the two find
their own balance and resonate in harmony. At the current time, however, no expla-
nations for crystal healing fit within known scientific facts.

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