Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
weaker field, because the energy coming out of the earth is being “pushed” back and
compressed by the radiation from the sun. Thus, the magnetic field passing through
the human body is stronger on the nighttime side, away from the sun. Chemical
reactions, the healing process, and other cellular activities accelerate in the presence
of a stronger field, and thus they are improved slightly at night because of the
stronger field.
Like a giant mirror, the moon reflects radiation from the sun toward the earth, thus
affecting the earth’s energy field. The full moon and the new moon are opposite in
their effect on the geomagnetic field. The greatest amount of solar radiation is
reflected toward the earth during a full moon, which pushes back and compresses
the earth’s energy, resulting in a weaker magnetic field than during a new moon.
Study results have been mixed as to the effect on human behavior, but a study done
throughout the calendar year 1993 in Las Vegas found that the full moon was asso-
ciated with a rise in psychotic behavior, an increase in suicide rates, and an abrupt
increase in crisis calls to “911.”
A stronger magnetic field is more conducive to sleep, which makes sleep at night
more refreshing and healing than sleep in the daytime. In addition, the sun “agi-
tates” the earth’s field with sunspot activity. These intense magnetic explosions on
the sun spray additional radiation on the earth, in turn disturbing the geomagnetic
field. During these periods of geomagnetic disturbance, higher admission rates to
psychiatric facilities and higher rates of violence are characteristic. On the other
hand, when the earth’s magnetic field is most quiet, more paranormal experiences
like mental telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition take place.

Endogenous Magnetic Fields

Endogenous magnetic fields are those produced within the body. This electrical activ-
ity demonstrates patterns that provide medically useful information. EKGs and EEGs,
for example, provide information about the endogenous magnetic fields of the heart
and brain and are diagnostic in any number of conditions.
Like other kinds of magnetic fields, the human energy field is strongest at its source
and fades with distance. Another name for this energy field is “aura” and it is the
field that surrounds the body as far as the outstretched arms and from head to toe.
The human energy field is both an information center and a highly sensitive percep-
tual system that transmits and receives messages as people interact with their sur-
rounding environment. Patterns of circulation of energy within the body include the
meridian system and the chakras. Virtually every alternative healing therapy has a
way of interpreting these subtle energy fields.


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