American Politics Today - Essentials (3rd Ed)

(vip2019) #1

South America, 471
South Carolina, 64, 112, 246
Southern Ohio Correctional Facility, 48
South Vietnam, 296, 473
sovereign power, 57
Soviet Union, 59, 472–73, 487
fall of, 474
Reagan policy toward, 297
U.S. policy of containment and,
U.S. treaties with, 473, 487
space program, spending for, 337
Spain, 486
Spanish-American War, 302
Speaker of the House, 272, 311
commercial, 103, 103, 108
hate, 100–101, 100
less protected, 102–4
political, 98–99, 102, 103, 108
protected, 97–101
symbolic, 99–100, 99, 100, 108
see also freedom of speech
speed limits, 57
concurrent powers of, 59
congressional authority over, 40, 59, 72,
107, 429–31
defi cits and, 437, 438
federal, 13, 70, 71, 72, 82, 138, 142, 161,
162, 238, 239, 337, 339, 437, 438,
439, 440, 441, 449, 453, 455,
456–57, 457, 459–61
on health care, 455, 456–57, 457
ideological views on, 14, 16
Keynesian economic theory and,
437, 439
on lobbying eff orts, 237–39, 238, 239,
240, 250
mandatory vs. discretionary,
439, 440
1980s budget defi cit and, 439
public opinion on, 127, 138, 337
on social policies, 449, 451–52, 456–57,
state and local, 71, 71, 72, 83
split tickets, casting of, 215
spoils system, 166, 331–32, 332, 333
sports, 112
domestic, 93, 102, 111, 112–13, 119; see
also surveillance
foreign, 113
Stamp Act (1765), 25
Standard Oil, 444
standard operating procedures, 329
standing, 362–63
standing committees, 277
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 400
state capacity, 329
State Department, U.S., 331, 335, 347,
347, 429
foreign policy and role of, 476
number of employees in, 338
state laws, judicial review of, 359, 360–61
State of the Union address, 304, 310, 311

economic diff erences among, 82, 82–83
income assistance and welfare
administered by, 459
Medicaid and discretionary
power of, 456
political diff erences among,
14, 14, 17, 109
social policy formation and role of,
433, 459
states’ rights, 64–65, 68, 70–71, 74–83, 94, 95,
96, 98, 109, 117–18, 359, 360
statutory interpretation, 361
stem cell research, 14, 17, 74, 459
Stevens, John Paul, 380, 381
Stewart, Potter, 103–4
stimulus package, see economic stimulus
stock markets, 449
in fi nancial crisis of 2008, 445–47
Stone, Harlan Fiske, 377
Stonewall Rebellion, 396
straight tickets, casting of, 215
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
(SALT I), 473
street-level bureaucrats, 328
strict construction, 379, 382
strict scrutiny, 98, 407–8, 408, 417
strip searches, 111
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
(SNCC), 402
substantive due process doctrine, 118, 410
substantive representation, 259
suicides, assisted, 57, 81
Sullivan, Kathleen, 45
supermajorities, 36
”Super PACs,” 245
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program, 459
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 459
supply-side economics, 439
Supreme Court, U.S., 40, 48, 61, 148, 265,
357–61, 357, 364, 365–67, 372–83,
429, 459
ACA and, 56
access to, 372–75, 373
allocation of power to, 8, 28, 40, 42, 61, 62
amicus curiae and, 376
appellate jurisdiction of, 358, 360, 365
appointments to, 40, 42, 75
briefs for, 376
campaign fi nance reforms and,
99–100, 211
case criteria of, 374–75
chief justices of, 358
civil liberties and, 95–119
civil rights issues and, 392–93,
394, 396, 401, 402, 403–11, 413,
416, 418
color-blind jurisprudence of, 405–7, 416
constitutional amendments to overturn
decisions of, 43, 45, 99
constitutional interpretation by, 47–48,
61, 63–65, 66–67, 75–79, 77, 78,
79, 81, 93, 95–119, 294, 302–3, 361,
366–67, 379, 380, 382, 419

decision making of, 378–82
docket of, 372
executive privilege ruling of, 308
FDR’s court-packing plan for, 368
federalism and, 61, 63–64, 65, 66–67,
66, 72, 75–79, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83, 94,
95–96, 107, 109, 112, 359
foreign policy and, 478
G. W. Bush’s appointments to, 300
hearing cases before, 376–78, 376
interpretation of laws by, 8, 40, 42,
63–64, 67, 75, 76, 79, 81, 103–4, 359
judicial activism of, 380, 405–7
judicial restraint of, 380
judicial review by, 40, 42, 358–61,
359, 383
justices’ conference in, 377
legislative vetos and, 287
opinion writing in, 375, 377–78
oral argument in, 376–77, 376
original jurisdiction of, 359, 360, 372
pocket vetos and, 285
policy implications of composition of, 42,
75–76, 79
as policy-making institution, 355, 356
as political institution, 355, 356, 378–83
precedent overruled by, 362, 363
public knowledge of, 127
public opinion and, 375, 378, 380, 381–82
rules of access for, 372–73
separation of powers and, 380–81
speech protected by, 90
strategic approach to, 380
strict construction and, 379, 382
2012 elections and, 355
War Powers Resolution and, 303
workload of, 372, 373
writ of certifi cation and, 373
writ of certiorari and, 373
writ of mandamus issued by, 359
see also judicial branch; specifi c cases
surge, in troops, see troop surge
surveillance, 102, 111, 112–13
see also spying
surveys, 128, 133
interpretation of, 138
mass, 135–36, 135
problems with, 138, 480
techniques of, 136–37
wording of, 129, 137, 141
see also polls
suspension of rules, 286
Sweden, 58, 486
Swezy, Dan, 414
swing states, 198, 199
Switzerland, 486
Syria, 470, 471, 488

talk radio, 146
Tammany Hall, 166, 166
Taney, Roger, 64–65
Tanzania, 474
tariff s, 31, 37, 64, 478, 485
defi nition of, 485
TA R P, see Troubled Asset Relief Program
Tax Day, 403
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