How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
of the mavericks who are pioneering new approaches to


“I want my talent to win.” Those words define the business
approach of Dallas-based agent Quitze Nelson, of “I rep-
resent photographers who live their passion. These are photo-
graphers that have found their voice. They are committed to
succeeding, and they thrive on the process of collaboration,”
she says.
Unlike traditional representatives, Nelson views both the
talent and those who hire them as her clients. “The bottom line
is that it is my job to bring two creative teams together so that
they can produce the best results possible. When you work with
people (photographers and clients) who love what they do and
who want to produce amazing imagery, collaboration is a natu-
ral course of events.”
Because producing great work is an inherent part of the
goal, Nelson pursues new business selectively.

I look at current campaigns, noting how someone art
directed a shot, sensing how that person might think—I
like to work with people who think outside of the box and
push their work to the next level. I have a list of designers
and art directors that we admire. While other agents only
go after campaigns, I look to connect with buyers who
exhibit great creativity. It’s not the campaigns we target—
but the people producing the marvelous work.

Quitze has chosen this path as it suits her values and it
serves the talent she represents. She enjoys the process of col-
laborating with people, not just managing accounts. Her pho-
tographers are seasoned and deeply rooted in the creative
process of working with clients.
The photographers represented by are all at the
top of their game: Paul Aresu has been shooting for over
thirty years, providing clients with large production


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