How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1


Photography and


Photography has long been referred to as “the marriage
of science and magic.” While many photographers spend long
hours working on the science of photography, perfecting their
technique, most never get close to accessing the magic. Yet this
intangible quality, the mystery that probably drew them in to
begin with, is indeed what every viewer responds to.
Have you invested in discovering the magic or are you
grounded only in the science?
The science relates to the technical end, your knowledge
of equipment, how light falls, graphic composition, and
An experienced photographer will tell you that true cre-
ativity cannot be accessed until you get these basics down.
These tools are what photographers read about, study, and
work hard to understand and employ as they create imagery.
But creativity is not about technique alone, which is why stop-
ping here, giving no credence to exploring the unexplained
aspect of photography, is a big mistake.
The magic I refer to and that I believe in is your connection
to your divinity.
I would ask you to consider that a conscious connection
between you and your higher self (with your scientific skills
deeply rooted in your experience) is what enables your creativ-
ity to flow.

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