How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
The popularity of The Artist’s Wayis significant, as I believe
it indicates that creative people are searching for practices that
inspire them and provide opportunities for their creative
growth, for their divine connection.
You will find as you open this door to new worlds that you
are eager and excited, and you may want to continue to move
At this point building quiet time into your life would be
extremely helpful.
Becoming still is difficult for many people. We live in a fast-
paced, action-filled world complete with multiple screens and
pop-ups galore. Yet going to quiet, simply sitting with eyes
closed for a few moments a day, adding a few minutes every day
to your quiet time, is truly a first step toward accessing your
higher self.
Many teachers have stated that it is only in the quiet that
our inner voice can be heard.
When you first begin to go to quiet, you may feel uncom-
fortable because you may have many messages going through
your head at once. Instead of telling your brain to hush up, see
yourself sitting beside the noise and simply smile. The idea is
not to make your brain stop. You won’t be able to. Instead,
notice each thought as it appears and then let it go. After a
while the thoughts will indeed stop, and you will go to a place
where you will begin to experience quiet. For me it feels as if
I am deep inside my physical body and I sense the feeling of
looking outward.
Once quiet comes, simply sit with it.
When I go to quiet (something that took me many years to
accomplish), I often see a light in front of my eyes. As it moves,
my attention moves. I find that this light takes me deeper into
my being.
As you become more adept at going to quiet, you will want
to spend more time here. Go with it. This quieting of self truly
changes your receptivity and opens up channels that allow
ideas, thoughts, and visuals to come through.
Don’t expect ideas to pop in when you are in quiet; most
likely they won’t. After all, the entire goal is silence. What may
happen is that you begin to experience unusual connections to
people and/or events. Synchronicity may become a common


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