How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
what’s truly real, and they give me extra sustenance when
I need it most.


Perhaps artist and guru Julia Cameron says it best. In her
book Heart Steps, Prayers, and Declarations for a Creative Life, the
author of The Artist’s Waytalks about how affirmations first
came into her life.

In 1979 composer Billy May gave me a small book
of prayers. Creative Ideasby Dr. Ernest Holmes. He
said the prayers “led the way for him.” “I think of it
like this,” he said, “If you’re working on a project and
you have a hundred creative horses you want them all
working for you. Now, if thirty of your horses are
worried about money and thirty are worried about
the way the project will be received, you only have
another forty to do the creative work at hand. These
prayers help you to gather your horses.” What a
revolution that booked caused in my life and in my
If we just speak the words they open the door that
opens the heart.

If you find yourself wondering how the spoken word can cre-
ate change in your life, Cameron would remind you: “According
to scripture, The Ancients sang the world into existence.” If they
could do that, then surely you can use words to shift your world!
If you are still in doubt, considering going to http://www. and ordering the DVD The Secret. My client
Michael Boland from Vancouver sent me a copy and I have
since gifted it to many others. The Secretdetails the universal
law of attraction and explains how our thinking creates our
reality. It contains interviews with scientists, doctors, meta-
physicians, and others, each of whom discusses his or her
experience with this universal truth. Affirmations are indeed
a wonderful example of the universal law of attraction in


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