How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
Most people think that their inactivity is due to lazi-
ness or depression. While depression is an issue that
some folks face, most inactivity is due to fear. On some
unconscious level we experience blocks and beliefs that
hold us back. These blocks are rooted in fear.
Perhaps a photographer is not selling. He wants
business, but can’t get himself motivated to make
phone calls, show his work, or perform the many tasks
it takes to sell his work.
With the opportunity to examine his beliefs, I guar-
antee you that we would find a fear thought that he
holds that is blocking him.

What might be blocking you? Take a brief inventory now
and create a short list of objectives that you have set for your-
self. Look at the list and honestly note how many you have yet
to start. Choose one, possibly something that you really want to
do but never seem to “find the time” because there is always
“something that comes up that is more important.” Ralph is
convinced that unconscious thoughts (which enable fear to
rear its ugly head) prevent you from keeping your commit-
ments to yourself. He tells us that discovering how your uncon-
scious thoughts work is a key to releasing fear. He believes that
not keeping commitments to ourselves is one of the most
common examples of unconscious thought. And he explains
how insidious it is.
“Many people don’t keep commitments to themselves
because they get stuck in past disappointment. This disappoint-
ment is self-created, yet few people realize that it exists.” Let see
how this pattern is created. Ralph continues:

When we promise ourselves that we will do some-
thing, initially there is a reason that matters to us. We
have motivation. If you feel the need to exercise, your
motivation may be that you want to look or feel fit. Your
interest in looking and feeling better provides the juice
that sets the commitment. When you don’t go, when
you find other things to do, you most likely don’t say,
“Gee, I’ve chosen something else to do today and I’m
fine with that.” Most likely you say, “Once again I didn’t


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