How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
You will need to establish your own philosophy. Whether
you are an established pro or just beginning your career, you
need to determine how you will service your clients. Don’t
assume that you have this one down cold. Start by listing the
different opportunities for service. Then decide how you will
handle each area. Below are three areas that are a part of your
everyday business life. Read the questions, decide what you feel
is an appropriate way to service, and begin to set your service


In today’s world, where Web sites rule, many photographers
feel that in-person visits are not welcomed by buyers nor
needed. I challenge this notion. I know of no successful photo
business that relies solely on marketing options. Each business
has a sales arm, provides in-person visits, and uses travel port-
folios on a constant basis.
I find it curious that photographers holler loudly about the
devaluation of photography and then are content to show their
images exclusively on a computer monitor, a one-dimensional
format where images are rarely seen larger than three by five.
Is this not contributing to the devaluation? Photography is
tactile. Your prospects need to see it, feel it, experience your
When was the last time you actually went on an appoint-
ment to show your book? Successful businesses all have a selling
component built in.
Clients still see photographers, and relationships are still
important. While most photographers believe that all they need
are Web sites and other marketing tools, the reality is that mar-
keting tools alone do not make up an advertising program.
Prepare to go on appointments, and when you are there,
consider asking your contacts to show you examples of cam-
paigns or projects that they recently completed. Be ready to ask
them questions about the projects they show you, questions that
establish you as a photographer who is indeed interested in
service. Many photographers would not dare to do this.
However, I have found that clients like to talk about themselves.


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