How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
Begin by assessing your current attitude toward your life.
In order to determine how your outlook is effecting you, take a
current inventory of your actions.
Start by examining your work ethic. How you approach this
area of your life speaks volumes to clients and can shed a lot of
light on your way of thinking.
Successful creatives have learned to meet deadlines and
keep commitments. They put more than 100 percent into all of
their assignments, self as well as client generated. In short, they
have a strong work ethic. Shocking but true, none of us is per-
fect. In order to see where youneed to improve, start by answer-
ing the following questions:

1 How many assignments in the last six months did you give
100 percent of your effort to? What about 120 percent?
2 How do you approach assignments? Do you listen to your
client’s needs carefully and then offer your creative
thoughts? Or do you take the information supplied by your
clients and only provide what they ask for?
3 How many times in the last six months did you commit to
shooting for your portfolio? How many times did you meet
that commitment?
4 How often have you said, “I have to put time aside to create
a new set of goals for my business”? Have you taken the
5 How frequently do you utter the words, “Next time I’m
going to do things differently”? Do things ever change?

Now look at how you feel about keeping your commitments to
others and to yourself. Do you feel excited when you put every-
thing you have into an assignment? Do you feel the same way when
you simply “go through the motions”? Are you excited about new
projects or do you feel overloaded and overwhelmed by them?
If you have answered these questions honestly and find
your attitudes or work habits do not serve you well, you can be
sure that they are not serving your clients.
Ask yourself what actions you could take to change your old
beliefs. Commit to those actions and begin to create a new you,
one who embraces the newness of life and is excited about all
that is ahead.


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