Audio Engineering

(Barry) #1

800 Chapter 27

Discrete convolution is a process that provides a single output sequence from two
input sequences. In the example given earlier, a time-domain sequence—the step
function—was convolved with the fi lter response yielding a fi ltered output sequence.
In textbooks, convolution is often denoted by the character ‘ * ’. So if we call the input
sequenceh ( k ) and the input sequence x ( k ), the fi ltered output would be defi ned as
yn()hk()* ()xk
Impulse Response
A very special result is obtained if a unique input sequence is convolved with the
fi lter coeffi cients. This special result is known as the fi lter’s impulse response, and
the derivation and design of different impulse responses are central to digital fi lter
theory. The special input sequence used to discover a fi lter’s impulse response is
known as the “ impulse input. ” (The fi lter’s impulse response being its response to
this impulse input.) This input sequence is defi ned to be always zero, except for one
single sample, which takes the value 1 (i.e., the full-scale value). We might defi ne,
for practical purposes, a series of samples like this

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
Now imagine these samples being latched through the three-stage digital fi lter
shown earlier. The output sequence will be

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/4, 1/2, 1/4, 0, 0, 0, 0
Obviously the zeros don’t really matter, what’s important is the central section:
1/4, 1/2, 1/4. This pattern is the fi lter’s impulse response.

FIR and IIR Digital Filters
Note that the impulse response of the aforementioned fi lter is fi nite: in fact, it only
has three terms. So important is the impulse response in fi lter theory that this type
of fi lter is actually defi ned by this characteristic of its behavior and is named a fi nite
impulse response (FIR) fi lter. Importantly, note that the impulse response of an FIR
fi lter is identical to its coeffi cients.
Now look at the digital fi lter in Figure F27.1. This derives its result from both the
incoming sequence and from a sequence that is fed back from the output. Now if
we perform a similar thought experiment to the convolution example given earlier
and imagine the resulting impulse-response from a fi lter of this type, it results in
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