Audio Engineering

(Barry) #1
Index 905

Self-clocking code , 547
Semiconductor installation ,
Semireverberant fi elds , 97
Semitone intervals , 61–62
Serial and self-clocking code , 56
Serial digital video interface , 831 ,
832 , 833 , 834
Serial transmission , 448 , 450
Series regulators , 148 , 150–152
Session disc , 616
Shelving equalizer , 785
Shunt regulators , 148–150
Signal characteristics , 199–200
Signal fl ow , 773 , 774
Signal generators:
digital waveform generation ,
sinewave oscillators , 873–882
Signal voltage and impedance
levels , 167–168
Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) , 594
Simple bass-cut circuit , 227
Simple treble-cut circuit , 227
Simple valve amplifi er , 342
Sinc function , 802
Sine wave , 22–24
Sine waveform , 453
Sinewave oscillators , 873–882
Single-ended vs. push–pull
operation , 352–354
Single pole, double throw switch ,
Single pole, single throw, or SPST
switch , 131
Single-sided PCBs , 384–385
Slew rate limiting , 311–312
Slicing , 416
Slope controls , 223 , 228–229 , 231
Small Computer System Interface
(SCSI) , 605
Small power transistors, as input
devices , 179–181
Soft and hard dome drivers , 707

Soft clip , 278 , 279
Soft domes , 691
Solid-state rectifi ers , 140 ,
Sony , 505 , 519 , 520 , 635
Sony digital interface (SDIF) ,
567 , 569
and ear , 6–9
physics of , 3–4
velocity of , 85–87
effect of altitude, in air ,
Sound cards , 602
Sound fi elds classifi cation:
ambient noise fi eld , 97
diffuse fi elds , 97
free fi elds , 97
outdoor acoustics , 98–102
pressure fi elds , 97
semireverberant fi elds , 97
Sound level meter (SLM) , 639
Sound mixer architecture and
circuit blocks , 771–779
Sound pressure (SP) , 639 , 676
Sound pressure level (SPL) , 14 ,
Sound reduction index (SRI) , 848
Space charge , 339 , 342–343
Space heater effect, on Flutter
Echo , 92 , 94
SPDIF interface , 568–569
Specifi c acoustic impedance , 649
SPICE simulation:
in frequency domain , 372
stability testing , 369
Split console , 777
Spurious signals , 216–217
Stage Accompany , 279
Standard gain control circuit ,
Standard tone control systems ,
223–228 , 229 , 230
Steep-cut fi lter circuits , 238

Step-up transformer , 176
Straight-sided cones , 688–690
Stray capacitance, circuit effect
of , 192
Structured audio (SA)
compression schemes ,
Studio and control room
acoustics , 854
absorbers , 856
performance , 861–865
resonances , 856–861
reverberation and refl ection ,
Subsonic protection (SSP) , 259
and high-pass fi ltering:
direct coupling , 261–263 ,
hi-end approach , 260 , 261
indication , 260
logistics , 259–260
low approach , 260–261
pro approach , 259
rationale , 257–258
subsonic stresses , 258
Successive approximation register
(SAR) , 482 , 483
Sun audio ’ , 601
Suspension , 692–693
Switch-mode power supply , 159
Switches , 131–134
Sync pattern , 547
Sync preamble section, of digital
audio signal , 570
Synchronization , 539–540
SyQuest cartridges , 604

Table of contents , 616
Talkback , 777
Tape , 410
Tape recording , 534 , 535 , 749
bias , 752–753
equalization , 753–754
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