
(Barry) #1


away thoughtfully with the intention of not further increas-
ing the other’s possible embarrassment while gauging her
symmetry of heaving embonpoint. In fact the slight soil-
ing was only an added charm like the case of linen slightly
soiled, good as new, much better in fact with the starch out.
Suppose she was gone when he? I looked for the lamp which
she told me came into his mind but merely as a passing fan-
cy of his because he then recollected the morning littered
bed etcetera and the book about Ruby with met him pike
hoses (sic) in it which must have fell down sufficiently ap-
propriately beside the domestic chamberpot with apologies
to Lindley Murray.
The vicinity of the young man he certainly relished, ed-
ucated, distingué and impulsive into the bargain, far and
away the pick of the bunch though you wouldn’t think he
had it in him yet you would. Besides he said the picture
was handsome which, say what you like, it was though at
the moment she was distinctly stouter. And why not? An
awful lot of makebelieve went on about that sort of thing
involving a lifelong slur with the usual splash page of gut-
terpress about the same old matrimonial tangle alleging
misconduct with professional golfer or the newest stage fa-
vourite instead of being honest and aboveboard about the
whole business. How they were fated to meet and an attach-
ment sprang up between the two so that their names were
coupled in the public eye was told in court with letters con-
taining the habitual mushy and compromising expressions
leaving no loophole to show that they openly cohabited two
or three times a week at some wellknown seaside hotel and
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